2067 publications
Five Cs Public Realm Project - Accessibility & Inclusion Report
The Department for Communities (DfC), Belfast Regeneration Directorate (BRD) has appointed Direct Access as an external and independent access consultancy firm. Direct Access is responsible for conducting a thorough review of the current designs (Five...
Circular LG 13/2024 - Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) to District Councils - Flooding 26 September 2024 - 25 October 2024
The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties. Householders who are deemed eligible under the criteria...
Experience of culture, arts and heritage by adults in Northern Ireland 2023/24
Statistics on engagement in culture, arts and heritage: findings from the 2023/24 Continuous Household Survey.
The Social Security (Genuine and Sufficient Link to the United Kingdom) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 - screening
Changes are required to legislation providing for disability and carers’ benefits relating to the genuine and sufficient link (GSL) test. The proposed amendments will update the legislation in line with the Court of Appeal decision...
The Social Security (State Pension Age Claimants: Closure of Tax Credits) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 - screening
Under the revised policy, Working Age people, including certain mixed age couples (MAC) (couples where one member of the couple is over State Pension Age and the other is not) who were protected from the...
Gambling Codes of Practice – ATMs, Credit, Protection of Children and Young People, Self Exclusion - screening
The underlying aim is to help ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way; protecting persons under the age of 18 and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling...
Summary Report: Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, Section 10: The Electrical Safety Standards for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Department for Communities has published the Summary Report relating to the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022.
Northern Ireland Housing Statistics 2023-24
The Northern Ireland Housing Statistics report is an annual compendium of statistics containing information on a range of areas relating to housing.The report is divided into sections covering: supply, energy, social renting demand, private renting...
New Decade New Approach Review of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
In June 2020, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to proceed with the New Decade New Approach (NDNA) commitment to review Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) in Northern Ireland.
New Decade New Approach Review of The Commissioner for Older People Northern Ireland
In June 2020, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to proceed with the New Decade New Approach (NDNA) commitment to review Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) in Northern Ireland.
Northern Ireland Child Maintenance Service Statistics: Data to June 2024
This quarterly publication provides an overview on the performance of the Child Maintenance Service in Northern Ireland. This publication contains information up to the quarter ending June 2024
Partnership Agreement between the Department for Communities and Northern Ireland Museums Council
The Department for Communities is the sponsor Department for the Northern Ireland Museums Council. The Partnership Agreement explains the overall governance framework within which the Northern Ireland Museums Council operates, including the framework through which...
Thermal upgrade of traditional buildings
There is an undeniable need to improve our existing building stock to reduce carbon emissions and make them sustainable into the future. Our traditional and historic (solid wall) buildings play a part in this. This...
Employment Incentive Scheme for the Unemployed and Economically Inactive aged 50-64 - screening
This test and learn pilot scheme proposal can be linked to the DFC “Building Inclusive Communities 2020-2025” strategy, the DFC Operational Strategy 2020-2025 and Northern Ireland Executive’s Programme for Government (PfG) (2016-2021) indicators and outcomes.The...
CF73 - Notification of Hospital Admission for patients on Benefit or State Pension
The new CF73 (Notification of Hospital Admission for patients on Benefit or State Pension) should be fully completed by an admission clerk upon any DfC customers admission.
Northern Ireland Gambling Licencing and Industry Data 2023
Statistics on gambling licencing and industry data.
Personal Independence Payment Statistics - May 2024
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) was introduced in Northern Ireland in June 2016, and replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 and 64 years old. PIP and DLA cannot be claimed at the...
Universal Credit Statistics - May 2024
Universal Credit is a new payment to help support households that are out of work or are on a low income. Universal Credit was introduced in Northern Ireland on a phased geographical basis from 27...
Benefit Cap Statistics - May 2024
The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per...
Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (Accredited Official Statistics) - May 2024
The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.