2068 publications
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment: Loving Places Symposium 2024 presentations
On 3 October 2024, the MAG annual symposium, held befittingly this year in the RIBA award winning St Comgall’s School, Belfast, was an opportunity to explore how collectively, we communicate and value what is important...
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0167
Details of the Minister’s visit to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0169
Information about the planned ‘big hands’ sculpture on Bangor Seafront
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0170
Details of the exit points for Casement Park following redevelopment
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0154
The number of PIP claimants with the condition Fibro-myalgia
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0158
Overall spend on interpreting, translation and transcription services and associated contractual information
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0161
The additional requirement to enable Casement Park to meet Uefa standards
FOI Disclosure Log - DFC/2024-0164
Minutes of a 2012 meeting related to safety at Casement Park
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0107
Communications in respect of the redevelopment of Casement Park since 1 January 2024
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0108
Details of Universal Credit overpayments which were waived in 2023/24
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0116
Details about the number of individuals and households placed in temporary accommodation over the past three years
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0124
Details of the number of PIP or DLA claims which mentioned a Covid-19 Vaccine injury
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0128
Details of the current ownership, transfer timetable and plans for the former Mackies Site
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0131
Information about Departmental finances, staffing and regulatory powers
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0134
The amount of arts funding provided over the past five years
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0143
Information about the budget and expenditure for the Discretionary Support Fund
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0147
Statistical information about the Jobstart Scheme for 16-24 year olds
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2024-0152
Social housing building targets and those units completed in 2020-22
DfC Annual Progress Report to Equality Commission 2023-24
The Department's Equality Scheme commits the Department to submitting a formal review of progress, on an annual basis, to the Equality Commission, setting out the action taken to fulfill Section 75 commitments. This is the...
Department for Communities Annual Report on Decision Making and Financial Accuracy 1 January - 31 December 2023
This report focuses on two main areas which are the level of decision-making accuracy in social security benefits and the level of financial accuracy. The purpose of the report is to provide an assurance on...