2135 publications
Ballymena town centre masterplan
The aim of the Ballymena town centre masterplan is to identify how the full regeneration potential of the town centre area could be realised and provide a basis to ensure the best possible delivery of...
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment Progress Report - Raising Expectations
Progress report on the work of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment.
Evaluation of DEL research agenda 2004 - 2007
Evaluation of the DEL research agenda 2004-07.
Ballycastle development strategy
The Ballycastle development strategy will articulate a vision of Ballycastle over the next ten to fifteen years, highlighting how its distinctive strengths should be safeguarded and be central to the future of the town as...
Armagh city centre masterplan
This report documents the process, findings and proposals of the Armagh city centre masterplan. It critically analyses the City to identify key issues for consideration, followed by the articulation of a Vision for its future...
The conservation of scheduled masonry monuments
Guidance booklet on the conservation of scheduled masonry monuments.
Dealing with vegetation on historic masonry monuments
Guidance booklet on how to deal with vegetation on historic masonry monuments.
Technical Note 350: signs and signwriting
Built heritage technical guidance note 350 on signs and signwriting.
Appeals Service standards
Customer service principles.
Omagh town centre masterplan
The Omagh town centre masterplan is a non-statutory document intended to inform the regeneration decisions of the Department, the local Council and other key stakeholders in the town. It establishes a shared vision for the...
Housing Benefit memos 2008
HB memos contain further guidance on the interpretation of legislation to Housing Benefit and should be read in conjunction with the Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide.
Employment Service Delivery Model, Steps to Work and Pathways to Work for Lone Parents projects
In February 2008, Deloitte MCS Ltd was commissioned by the Department for Employment and Learning to undertake a joint interim evaluation of the Employment Service Delivery Model, Steps to Work and Pathways to Work for...
Transposition table for the recast directive
This document demonstrates how the EU recast directive has been transposed into Northern Ireland law.
Appeals Service customer comment card
A feedback form for customers of The Appeals Service.
Leaflet on lottery law
This leaflet provides information on some aspects of the law on lotteries in Northern Ireland. It is not an authoritative nor a complete statement of the law in this area and is only intended to...
Vacancies in Northern Ireland, statistics from 2001 to 2006
Statistics are presented for vacancies which have been notified to JobCentres/Jobs & Benefits Offices of the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL).
Housing Benefit memos 2007
HB memos contain further guidance on the interpretation of legislation to Housing Benefit and should be read in conjunction with the Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide.
Safety of Sports Grounds: Information Circular 02/2007: Red Guide
The purpose of this Information Circular was to advise that the Department (DCAL), was publishing technical guidance for District Councils, owners and managers of sports grounds and other interested parties which would assist them to...
Vital and viable
A good practice guide for breathing new life into cities and towns in Northern Ireland.
Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide
The Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide is a number of reference volumes for Decision Makers on the interpretation of Housing Benefit Legislation