Social housing providers
A key area of our business is addressing social housing need through the delivery of new social housing and creating opportunity for housing regeneration as reflected in our Programme for Government commitment. We work closely with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Registered Housing Associations to achieve this.
Housing Association Guide
The Housing Association Guide provides guidance around aspects of Development, Finance, Procurement, Governance, and Housing Management functions.
Reform of social housing
The Department is responsible for a programme of reform aiming to improve housing structures such as the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and allowing social housing landlords to play a more proactive role in the communities they serve.
Help and advice for private rented tenants, social housing tenants and owner occupiers
The department aims to support social housing providers and their tenants, private housing owners and private rented tenants by publishing relevant policy documents on issues such as information, advice and assistance available.
Housing supply policy & delivery
A key area of our business is to increase new housing supply (in particular affordable housing supply) and support households to sustain homeownership as reflected in the Draft Programme for Government (PfG) Framework 2016-2021 (Outcome 8 - Indicator 8 and Outcome 11 - Indicator 48).
Housing legislation & residential building safety
Legislation in relation to housing in Northern Ireland.
Fuel poverty
A household is said to be in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10 per cent of its income on energy costs.
Housing statistics
Quarterly and annual compendium publications of housing statistics, biannual homelessness statistics and the ongoing review of data included in these publications and their proposed changes.