2117 publications
The Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 - Regulatory Impact Assessment
The single-tier pension: A simple foundation for saving
Social Security External Fraud Response Plan
Omnibus Survey (Social Security Agency module) - 2012 research
HAG Amendment 12/2014-15
Emergency Financial Assistance Scheme 2015
Circular LG 26/15 - Guidance for local government performance improvement
Circular LG 24/15 - The local government (exclusion of non-commercial considerations) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015
HAG - Housing Maintenance Guide - tables
HAG - Procurement Guide - tables
The Registered Housing Associations (Accounting Requirements) Order (Northern Ireland) 1993
Property Provided with Housing Association Grant (HAG) or other public subsidy
Property Provided without Housing Association Grant (HAG) or other public subsidy
On Sale of Property under HSS, Historic Cost is determined to be £nil
Purchase of qualifying expenditure costing £250,000 in accordance with the conditions set above in order to utilise DPF
Worked Example Of DPF Movements
Checklist of key issues to be considered in meeting the Strategic Objectives
HAG - Calculating Grant - tables
Housing Association Guide - Tenancy Management Guide forms
Checklist on Rent Collection