Law and legislation
Information on the law relating to housing, social security and child support, decisions by Commissioners on social security benefits - also information on social law
Social security legislation
An electronic version of the printed volumes 'The Law Relating to Social Security for Northern Ireland' (The Blue Volumes).
Child support legislation
An electronic version of the printed volume 'The law relating to Child Support in Northern Ireland' (The Orange Volume).
Housing legislation & residential building safety
Legislation in relation to housing in Northern Ireland.
Social law
Information on the development of policy and promotion of legislation on liquor licensing, gambling, clubs registration, pavement cafés, opening hours for shops, street trading, and the control of unauthorised encampments.
Commissioners' decisions
The Northern Ireland Digest of Case Law and links relating to commissioners' decisions.
Social policy statistics
Statistical publications in relation to a range of social policy areas, including liquor licensing and gambling.
Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
In Northern Ireland, the Department for Communities is responsible for private tenancies legislation; the courts are responsible for administering it; and the local councils are responsible for enforcing it.