2068 publications
Sport Matters Monitoring Group: Meeting 6
Agenda and minutes for the sixth meeting of the Sport Matters Monitoring Group to be held on 21 November 2012.
Experience of museums and science centres by adults in Northern Ireland 2011/12
Statistics on attendance at museums and science centres by adults in Northern Ireland: findings from the 2011/12 Continuous Household Survey.
Attendance at live sports events by adults in Northern Ireland 2011/12
Statistics on attendance at live sports events: findings from the 2011/12 Continuous Household Survey.
Mapping of accredited museums and science centres in Northern Ireland 2012
The aim of the project was to examine the distribution of museums and science centres throughout Northern Ireland, mapped against deprivation, neighbourhood renewal, urban/rural areas and school provision.
Registration of clubs guide
This Guide on the principal provisions of the Order has been prepared by Social Policy Unit of the Department for Communities for the information and advice of club organisations.
Draft strategy for protecting and enhancing the development of the Irish language: consultation responses
A document that records all the comments submitted and a bilingual (English | Irish) report on the findings from the public consultation on a draft strategy for the Irish language. The consultation was held from...
Draft strategy for Ulster-Scots language, heritage and culture: consultation responses
A report on the findings from the public consultation on a draft strategy for Ulster-Scots Language, Heritage and Culture, and a document that records all the comments submitted. The consultation was held from 11 July...
Evaluation of the Community Festivals Fund 2011-2012
Summary evaluation report based on evaluations submitted by Councils regarding Community Festivals Fund outcomes.
Addressing bureaucracy: A report on tackling bureaucracy in government funding to the voluntary and community sector
This report provides a sound basis for ensuring that bureaucracy in grant administration is proportional, without compromising governance and control.
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment: Design Review
DfC's Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment, Design Review documentation.
Protected and statutory tenancies
You should read this booklet if you are the landlord or tenant of a tenancy which began before 1 April 2007 where the property was built before 1956.Prior to 1 April 2007, protected and statutory...
Sport Matters: Implementation Group Progress Report Oct 2011 to Sep 2012
The third progress report by the Sport Matters Implementation Group for the period October 2011 to September 2012.
South East Coast masterplan
The South East Coast masterplan will provide guidance on the future strategic development of the South East Coast as well as specific guidance on the location and form of development in the Town Centres of...
Interdepartmental Charter Implementation Group: meeting 28
Information from the twenty eighth meeting of the interdepartmental charter implementation group held on Thursday 5 July 2012.
Neighbourhood Renewal Clarification of Faith Based Memo
The Clarification of Faith Based Memo details the definition of Faith Based organisations for the purpose of Neighbourhood Renewal.
Grey Point Fort
A short guide to the layout and history of Grey Point Fort
Housing Benefit memos 2006
HB memos contain further guidance on the interpretation of legislation to Housing Benefit and should be read in conjunction with the Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide.
Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Code of Practice and Guiding Principles
The Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Code of Practice and Guiding Principles document sets out the key principles which will underpin the roles and responsibilities of those involved through the partnerships in the delivery of Neighbourhood Renewal...
Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Sub Group Terms of Reference
As detailed within the Code of Practice each Partnership may establish a number of Sub Groups which should be developed around the four strategic objectives of the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy. The Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Sub...
Neighbourhood Renewal Material Consideration Memo
The Material Consideration Memo provides additional information on how compliance with the code of practice is to be a material consideration in the Department’s appraisal of project applications.