State Care Monuments

State Care sites and monuments are those in the ownership or guardianship of the Department. They represent all periods of human settlement in Northern Ireland from around 7,000 BC to the 20th century, and include some of the premier examples of monument types in the region.

The first monuments were taken into care by the state in 1869 and there are now 187 single, groups or complexes of sites and monuments managed by us.

Visiting State Care Monuments

Many of our sites are open to the public, although some may be temporarily closed due to works taking place, or for the protection of the site.

For an update on sites you can visit:

Some of the most popular visited sites, such as Carrickfergus Castle and Dunluce Castle, are staffed throughout the year and have dedicated visitor facilities. At the Derry Walls, facilities are provided in the adjacent Visitor Information Centre.

Some of our sites are open seasonally due to ongoing partnerships with other organisations and agreements with local volunteer groups and temporary guides;

More information

Visitor Safety and Responsibility

Our State Care Monuments are amongst the best known historic landmarks and tourist destinations in Northern Ireland. The Department’s Historic Environment Division encourages visitors to explore these special and unique sites responsibly.

We have Health & Safety signs at the majority of our State Care Monuments to date to help you make informed decisions and make your visit safe and enjoyable. However, your safety is also your responsibility and you should ensure to research all the available information and exercise caution in order to stay safe and have a memorable experience.

There are some basic rules for visitors to State Care Monuments to follow;

  • children and vulnerable adults should be supervised at all times
  • dogs must be kept under control on a lead while on site
  • always follow The Countryside Code

Please note, that State Care Monuments are protected under the Historic Monuments and Archaeological Object (NI) Order 1995 and any interference with the monument may result in prosecution and criminal conviction.

Maintenance of State Care Monuments

We currently have a team of specialists dedicated to the maintenance of our State Care Monuments. This includes regionally-based work crews, joiners, blacksmiths and stone masons for example.

The team aims to carry out conservation schemes on a number of historic monuments each year. These works are prioritised through a range of criteria including:

  • condition
  • age and importance
  • public access
  • health and safety issues

All work to State Care Monuments conforms to best conservation practice, i.e. minimum intervention, maximum retention of historic fabric, clarity of new work, reversibility and sustainability. These best practice guidelines can be found in the Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter, 2013.

Hiring a State Care Monument

Full information about hiring and using a State Care Monument is available on the page



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