Architecture and the built environment
The NI Executive’s policy on Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland and the composition and work of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment.
The former Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure published a new policy on Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland in June 2006. The policy incorporates an ambitious action plan endorsed by Government departments.
The aim is to ensure best value from public expenditure while targeting capital investment towards enhancing the visual landscape and improving the quality of life now and for future generations.
The Architecture and the Built Environment Policy is currently under review, if you would like more information on the review process, or to get involved please contact:
Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment
In September 2007 DCAL established the Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) for Architecture and the Built Environment in Northern Ireland. Since the reorganisation of the NI Executive Departments, MAG now sits within the Department for Communities. Its primary role is to advise the Minister for Communities on the implementation and development of the Architecture and the Built Environment policy.

Mr Andrew Haley has been re-appointed as Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Group (MAG) from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2027. He previously served as Chair from 1 June 2019 to 30 November 2023 and Interim Chair from 1 September 2016 to 31 May 2019. Andrew has also served as a Member from 1 May 2014.
Ms Roisin Donnelly has been reappointed as a MAG Member for a second term from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2027 having previously served as a MAG Member from 1 June 2019 till 30 November 2023.
Six new Members have been appointed from 1 December 2023 till 30 November 2027
- Dr David Coyles
- Mr Rodney Hall
- Prof Ruth Hunter
- Dr Barry McCarron
- Ms Alice McGlone
- Mrs Carol Ramsey
Further details of their public appointment, terms and remuneration are available.
Collectively, they bring a varied range of expertise to MAG, to include architecture, architectural conservation, landscape architecture, procurement, sustainable development and town planning.
The Chair and Members of MAG are Ministerial appointments. MAG currently holds a list of 41 Expert Advisors who were recruited to support MAG in the key area of design review and on an ad-hoc basis to assist in other areas where MAG requires additional specialist expertise.