The Benefits Statistics Summary provides an up-to-date, concise overview of the main benefits administered by the Department. All of the statistics in this quarterly report are accredited official statistics except in relation to Universal Credit which are currently designated as ‘Official Statistics in development’ (previously Experimental Statistics).

Benefit Claimants by Extract Date (Provisional)

As well as the Benefits Statistics Summary, PSU also provide up to date claimant numbers for each benefit. These figures are provisional and do not undergo the same scrutiny as the Accredited Official Statistics.

Suspension of “Client Group Analysis” statistics

The “Client Group Analysis” series of statistics has been suspended until further notice. These statistics will be resumed once a method of incorporating Universal Credit data into the analysis has been assessed as suitably robust.

Accredited Official Statistics

Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (Accredited Official Statistics)

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November. The next edition in this series will be released on 27 November 2024.

Revision note: An issue was identified with the Disability Living Allowance Supplementary Tables 14 and 15 within the August 2023 to the May 2024 releases. Incorrect eligible population figures had been used for the under 16 and over 65 population. These have now been corrected. Within these tables, the volumes of eligible populations have decreased by approximately one half for each local government area, and percentages of populations with a DLA claim have increased accordingly.

User Consultation

Analytics Division would appreciate your feedback on the Benefits Statistics Summary. The request for user feedback and survey can be found below:

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