2068 publications
The Occupational Pension Schemes (Collective Money Purchase Schemes) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Collective Money Purchase Schemes Regulations implement a new authorisation and supervisory regime for collective money purchase schemes a type of occupational pension scheme in which the contributions of members and employers are pooled and...
DfC Changes to the Discretionary Support Scheme Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) Final Report
This document presents the findings of the first five stages of the process and the (stage 6) decisions taken by the Department for Communities with regards to Changes to the Discretionary Support Scheme.
Circular LG 05/2024 - Accounts Direction to District Councils 2023-24
DfC Local Government and Housing Regulation Division has now prepared a Direction for the appropriate form and content of accounts for Northern Ireland District Councils.
The Child Support Fees (Revocation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 - screening
Due to the ongoing absence of the Northern Ireland Assembly, we are required to revoke and remake any confirmatory sets of Regulations. The Child Support Fees (Revocation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 were originally made on...
Circular LG 01/2024 - Accounts Direction to Arc21 2023-24
DfC Local Government and Housing Regulation Division has now prepared a Direction for the appropriate form and content of accounts of arc21.
Circular LG 02/2024 - Accounts Direction to Northern Ireland Local Government Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) 2023/24
DfC Local Government and Housing Regulation Division has now prepared a Direction for the appropriate form and content of accounts of the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC).
Circular LG 03/2024 - Accounts Direction to Local Government Staff Commission 2023/24
Local Government and Housing Regulation Division has now prepared a Direction for the appropriate form and content of accounts of the Local Government Staff Commission.The NDBP Green: Illustrative Statements is available on the GOV.UK website.
Circular LG 04/2024 - Accounts Direction to North West Regional Waste Management Group (NWRWMG) 2023/24
DfC Local Government and Housing Regulation Division has now prepared a Direction for the appropriate form and content of accounts of the North West Regional Waste Management Group (NWRWMG).
Circular LG 06/2024 - Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) to District Councils - Flooding 21 January 2024 - 20 February 2024
The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties. Householders who are deemed eligible under the criteria...
Appendix A damp and mould Housing Association Guide amendment
Appendix A damp and mould Housing Association Guide amendment
MAG Principles - Quality of Residential Space
This is the second in a series of MAG Principles documents, which will examine our built environment and identify a range of important design issues that we need to address in making our cities, towns...
Raising a Concern (Whistleblowing) Guidance - screening
Raising a Concern (Whistleblowing) refers to a member of staff, other workers or a member of the public disclosing information about certain types of wrongdoing (risk, danger, illegality or malpractice). The updated Guidance aims to:reassure...
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0229
Seating arrangements at Casement Park during Euro 2028
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0235
Number of phones or laptops decommissioned by the Department in 2022-23
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0238
Information on funding provided to a set of named organisations between 2015 and 2019
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0242
Funding paid out through the Scheme of Emergency Assistance for Flooding
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0245
Recovery of overpayments made through the Discretionary Support Scheme
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0252
Investment in regeneration projects broken down by Council area
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0255
Arrangements for seating at Casement Park during Euro 2028
FOI Disclosure Log - DfC/2023-0257
Provision in place for staff to provide Advanced Customer Support to customers