Statistics on engagement of adults in culture, arts and leisure in 2015/16 published
Date published:
The Department for Communities (DfC) today released headline figures on engagement of adults in culture, arts and leisure in 2015/16.

Main findings:
In 2015/16, nine out of every ten adults (90%) had engaged in some way with culture, arts and leisure. This was similar to the engagement rate in 2014/15 and to comparable engagement rates since 2011/12.
Within the overall engagement rates, there has been a slight decline in 2015/16 in the proportion of adults engaging in the arts; visiting a museum; and using the public library service, and no overall change in sport participation, visiting PRONI or use of inland fisheries or waterways.
The publication is available on the DfC website
Requests or enquiries concerning these statistics should be directed to:
Analytical Services UnitDepartment for Communities
Causeway Exchange
1-7 Bedford Street
Tel: 028 9051 5024
Notes to editors:
- The report presents findings from the 2015/16 Continuous Household Survey which is a Northern Ireland wide household survey administered by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). Further information on the survey including sample design and response rates is included in Appendix 2 of the statistical bulletin.
- The report provides information on trends over time in engagement and participation across the various components of culture, arts and leisure including key findings relating to differences in participation rates among adults living in the most and least deprived areas of Northern Ireland. The bulletin includes key statistics on sports participation; engagement, attendance and participation in the arts; usage of the public library service; visits to museums and science centres; visits to PRONI; angling and use of inland waterways. Policy responsibility for inland fishing and inland waterways has moved to the Department for Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs and the Department for Infrastructure, respectively, with effect from 9 May 2016. These data will not therefore be included in the key findings from 2016/17 onwards.
- As in previous years, more detailed analyses will be provided, including breakdowns by Section 75 groups, in further bulletins to be released over the coming months.
- All media queries should be directed to the Department for Communities Press Office on 028 9082 9497 or email Out of hours please contact the duty press officer via pager number 07699 715440 and your call will be returned.