Reminder to landlords to renew registration
Date published:
The Department for Communities is reminding landlords who registered with the Landlord Registration Scheme in 2014 that it is time to renew their registration if they are still a landlord.
The Landlord Registration Scheme was introduced in February 2014 and the period of registration lasts for three years.
Therefore landlords who registered with the scheme in 2014 will need to check when their registration expires and if they are continuing to rent out their properties, they need to register with the scheme for a further three years. By not renewing the registration while continuing to let properties, landlords are not complying with the law.
The Landlord Registration Scheme aims to improve tenants’ confidence in their landlords and increase landlords’ accountability by promoting good practice and ensuring appropriate advice and assistance is available.
More information on the Landlord Registration Scheme including how to register and renew your registration is available on nidirect.
Landlords can renew their registration two months prior to the end of their current registration.
A landlord who does not register may face a fixed penalty of £500 or a court fine of up to £2,500.
Landlords are reminded to ensure their contact details are up-to-date.
Notes to editors:
- A message will be sent to the email address provided by the landlord four weeks prior to the end of the current registration. The landlord needs to check their spam folder in case this email is not delivered to the Inbox and ensure their contact information is correct and up-to-date on the Landlord Registration Scheme.
- Landlords can also renew their registration by telephone on 0300 200 7821 – and must have full details of any joint owners to hand when making the call.
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