Work content of planned maintenance
The following guidance has been adapted from the NIHE Housing & Regeneration, Design Standards documents – Revenue Replacement. [NB: The work content information contained in this guidance is not exhaustive]
In good property management, it is essential to have in place a creditable system of planned maintenance identification and a resultant programme of work carefully budgeted and procured in a proper fashion. Such systems:
- reduce crisis management and response maintenance
- enable good financial planning arrangement
- maintain the estate in a creditable and safe condition
- establish a knowledgeable database of information on property requirements over a projected and rolling period of time
- encompass strategic procurement and budgetary management control of all requirements
- include the gathering and collating of all relevant data
The Association should have costed plans for future maintenance and improvement of its properties which will keep them in a reasonable and lettable condition appropriate to likely future needs. The Association should also be able to demonstrate that it is making adequate financial provision for planned maintenance and improvement works.
The objectives of planned maintenance are primarily:
- to maintain the fabric and fixtures of the dwelling and surrounds in a cost effective manner
- to rectify health and safety risks in compliance with the Association’s statutory duty and in accordance with policy
- to replace an element which has reached the end of its useful life
General Principles
Planned maintenance schemes for the replacement of elements which have reached the end of their useful life include kitchen fittings, sanitary ware, internal doors, and electrical upgrade etc. These schemes should be identified by Associations, taking account of:
- life expectancy (age and deficiency)
- future programmed work for the dwelling concerned
- response maintenance history
- decent homes standards
- financial constraints
(This list is not exhaustive).
It is envisaged that where possible new kitchen layouts will follow the standards set out in the HA Guide. The replacement of kitchens will be confined to replacement within the existing footprint of the dwelling.
For more information see Design standards.
When an element is being replaced, attention must be given to:
- the adequacy of related elements
- possible future improvements to minimise nugatory expenditure
- value for money considerations
- health and safety of tenants
- minimisation of disruption and provision of temporary facilities
Where a kitchen or bathroom is being renewed, consideration must be given to:
- unsatisfactory spatial arrangement
- relocation, if appropriate, to another room within the dwelling
- removal of walls, larder and stores to facilitate enhanced layout
- adequate dining space
- fire safety
- re-use of existing electrical provisions if deemed appropriate
[NB. A comprehensive survey must be carried out and a report prepared by the consultant or a suitably qualified and competent person directly employed by the Association in respect of all replacement schemes.]
For more information see Design standards, Stock condition survey
- upgrading of existing windows and glazing must meet current statutory requirements
- fire escape windows must be included where appropriate
- based on tendered costs and VFM, replacement windows may be either pre-finished timber or uPVC to current standards. Local conditions e.g. a conservation area or a listed building may influence the choice of window material to be used but still includes a VFM consideration
- design of any new window should be rationalised to avoid costly configuration and excessive openings greater than that necessary to comply with current Building Regulations, as appropriate
[NB. Any windows replacement scheme must meet Secured by Design standards]
External doors
- replacement of fire-doors falls within the requirements of the Building Regulations
- safety glazing must be included where appropriate
[NB Any external doors replacement scheme must meet Secured by Design standards]
Natural gas
Alterations to existing gas installations should be kept to a minimum and must be carried out by a Gas Safe registered installer and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations (Northern Ireland).
Existing LPG installations which are to be retained must comply with current safety regulations and any work to the installation must be done by an installer registered with Gas Safe and in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations (Northern Ireland) and the Housing Association’s current policy on installation and servicing. Where Health and Safety issues are identified they should be referred to the relevant Association staff member for urgent action in advance of the planned scheme.
Alterations to any oil fired boiler or storage tank shall be carried out by an OFTEC trained installer and tested in accordance with OFTEC standards.
Plumbing works
Where alterations to plumbing installations are required, these shall be in accordance with the relevant Departments design standards and current water bylaws (Northern Ireland).
For more information see Design standards
Further advice can be found in the following:
- Looking after Water in your Home – The Consumer’s Guide. An information leaflet produced by Northern Ireland Water.
- The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009
- Guidance on the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009
Planned maintenance miscellaneous works
- include cabinet provision and relocation of gas bottles by a Gas Safe registered operative
- include catwalks and upgrading of roofspace and pipework insulation, where the existing roof space insulation does not meet current standards
- where existing insulation does not meet current standards
- where no insulation, insulate to meet current standards
- where Economy 7 is the heating source insulation must be brought up to meet current standards
- where survey confirms the absence, include cavity wall insulation. (In the case of solid walls, consideration should be given to provision of dry lining)
- where high risk has been identified by the Association, include enhanced security to glass in interface areas
- include smoke/ heat detector provision
- fire stopping of party walls should be included