Gaeltacht Quarter
The Joint West Belfast/Greater Shankill Task Force Report recommended that a Gaeltacht Quarter be developed and a Development Board be established to oversee delivery. The quarter has been defined as a corridor connecting Belfast City Centre to Andersonstown.
The aim
The aim of the Quarter is to secure wealth creation by maximising the economic opportunities provided by a growing cluster of Irish Language and cultural based enterprises and activities which additionally have significant tourist potential.
The Department sponsored a bid on behalf of the Gaeltacht Quarter to the Integrated Development Fund for a lead-in capital development at Cultúrlann on the Falls Road, Belfast and to provide a secretariat and business/marketing plan for the Gaeltacht Quarter Board.
An Ceathrú Gaeltachta Teo
Community and business representatives have set up a limited company known as An Ceathrú Gaeltachta Teo. This organisation acts as an employer to the staff and will develop a business and marketing plan for the Gaeltacht Quarter.
An Ceathrú Gaeltachta Teo is complemented by a Steering Group which comprises of representatives from central government, local government, public services in the area and local community and business interests. The Steering Group provides a channel of communication between the organisations represented on it and An Ceathrú Gaeltachta Teo and will facilitate the emergence of a coordinated strategic approach to the development of the Gaeltacht Quarter.
Irish Language Broadcast Fund
The Joint Declaration committed the Government to take the necessary steps to secure the establishment of a fund for financial support for Irish language film and television production. This commitment was also contained in the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.
Northern Ireland Screen is delivering the Irish Language Broadcast Fund (ILBF) commitment through a sub-committee of its board.
The former Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) provided funding of £12 million over five years with a target of at least 75 additional hours Irish language broadcasting per year by 2008.
In June 2008, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland confirmed further funding for two years at £3m per annum for the period 2009-2011.
The Fund became operational in June 2005 and the BBC and TG4 have reported encouraging viewing figures for programmes already transmitted. An independent interim evaluation of its first year of work has also reported encouraging figures regarding satisfaction with the work of the Fund.
An Ghaeilge
An Ceathrú Gaeltachta
Mhol Tuarascáil Chomh-thascfhórsa Bhéal Feirste Thiar/Mórcheantar na Seanchille go bhforbrófaí Ceathrú Gaeltachta agus go mbunófaí Bord Forbartha chun maoirsiú a dhéanamh ar a sheachadadh. Rinneadh an cheathrú seo a shainiú mar an dromchla a cheanglaíonn Lár Chathair Bhéal Feirste le Baile Andarsan.
Is í aidhm na Ceathrún ná maoin a bhaint amach trí huasmhéadú a dhéanamh ar na deiseanna eacnamaíochta a chuirfeadh braisle méadaitheach d’fhiontair agus ghníomhaíochtaí atá bunaithe ar an nGaeilge agus ar an gcultúr ar fáil agus d’fhéadfadh acmhainn turasóireachta fhéideartha a bheith i gceist leo chomh maith.
D’urraigh RCEF iarracht ar son na Ceathrú Gaeltachta don Chiste um Fhorbairt Chomhtháite le haghaidh forbartha caipitil tosaigh ag an gCultúrlann ar Bhóthar na bhFál, Béal Feirste agus chun rúnaíocht agus plean gnó/margaíochta a sholáthar do Bhord na Ceathrú Gaeltachta.
Bhunaigh ionadaithe pobail agus gnó cuideachta theoranta agus tugadh An Cheathrú Gaeltachta Teo. uirthi. Gníomhóidh an eagraíocht seo mar fhostóir do na baill foirne agus forbróidh sí plean gnó agus margaíochta don Cheathrú Gaeltachta.
Tá An Cheathrú Gaeltachta Teo. comhlánaithe ag Grúpa Stiúrtha atá comhdhéanta d’ionadaithe ón rialtas láir, ón rialtas áitiúil ó sheirbhísí poiblí sa cheantar agus de pháirtithe leasmhara áitiúla pobail agus gnó. Soláthraíonn an Grúpa Stiúrtha bealach cumarsáide idir na heagraíochtaí a bhfuil ionadaíocht acu air, agus éascóidh An Cheathrú Gaeltachta Teo. cruthú chur chuige straitéiseach comhordaithe maidir leis an gCeathrú Gaeltachta a fhorbairt.