Apply for JobStart Scheme funding

The JobStart Scheme provides funding from the Department for Communities to allow employers to create new job opportunities to help those aged 50-64 years who are currently unemployed and wish to enter or re-enter the workplace. This page includes details of how the Scheme will operate.

How JobStart works

The JobStart Scheme offers 6-month job opportunities for 50-64 year olds who are not in employment, education or training. 

Participants will be supported through their job opportunity by Work Coaches in the Department for Communities and the JobStart Team for those not on benefits. 

The JobStart Scheme closed to further employer applications on 21/07/2024. For any enquiries please contact JobStart & Work Experience Programme Branch within the Department for Communities on or 028 90726788.

Employer criteria to participate in JobStart

  • employers must be based in Northern Ireland
  • employers of all sizes can participate in the Scheme
  • employers in all sectors can participate (including the voluntary and community sector)
  • employers can offer one job or multiple jobs to participate in JobStart (depending on number of staff currently in permanent employment)
  • JobStart opportunities must not replace existing or planned vacancies or cause existing employees, apprentices or contractors to lose or reduce their employment
  • jobs offered must provide a 6-month job opportunity
  • job opportunities must offer at least 25 hours of employment per week
  • jobs offered must pay at least the National Living Wage through PAYE

Please note: the Department will perform due diligence and financial checks on all employers.

What you will get

For each job opportunity you will receive funding to cover:

  • 100% of the relevant National Living Wage for 25 hours of work per week*
  • the associated employer National Insurance contributions
  • employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions

*You can offer additional hours but you will have to fund the additional hours yourself.

Please note: You will need to provide monthly payslips for each JobStart participant.

Following approval of an individualised training plan you can avail of a support grant for each job opportunity to cover any support and training the participant may need, such as uniforms, health and safety training, inductions, accredited training and any other costs to the company to support the participant settle into employment.

The support grant will provide you with funding of £1000 for 6-month opportunities. You will be paid the grant in two instalments once you have met certain conditions.

For each job opportunity you must help the participant become more employable.

This could include:

  • training to develop occupational related skills
  • training to develop employability skills, such as team work, organisation and communications as part of the role
  • support to update their CV and interview preparation
  • support to look for long-term work

Please note that the Department does not have contracts with any individual training providers. You are free to choose any organisation to provide this employability support on your behalf. 

Terms and conditions

The JobStart Scheme has been designed to support people who are at risk of long term unemployment, move into the workplace. The terms and conditions for funding from the JobStart Scheme are outlined at the link below.

JobStart Scheme video

This JobStart video provides a short introduction to the JobStart (16-24) Scheme from DfC Permanent Secretary Colum Boyle. Staff from the Scheme also highlight the aims, benefits and successes of the Scheme for both employers and jobseekers. A selection of young people who participated in the DfC JobStart Specialist Pathway for 16-24 year olds and which have retained employment in DfC as a result of their participation on the Scheme also share their experiences.

Watch employers and young people currently participating on the scheme as they speak about their experience of JobStart.

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