NIHE rent increase (2025/26) - screening
Date published:
The following screens a decision by the Department to respond to a request from the Housing Executive to increase rents for 2025/26 (to apply from 07 April 2025) and to provide a decision within the permitted constraints.
The Housing Executive has requested the Department’s approval to increase rents by CPI+6% for a 3 year period covering 2025/26 to 2027/28 years (equivalent to a 7.7% increase in year one). Such requests are usually considered on an annual basis by the Department according to investment need, tenant affordability and public expenditure constraints. Following advice from the Department of Finance, DfC has been unable to approve a multi-year increase of CPI+6% as requested by NIHE and therefore this screening relates only to an increase of CPI+1% (2.7% total) for the financial year 2025/26.
Existing/Revised/New: Existing
Date of Screening: 04/02/2025
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No