Regeneration funding breathes new life in to Portrush
Date published:
Vacant, derelict or under-used land and buildings in Portrush are being brought back to life thanks to regeneration funding from the Department for Communities (DfC).

The Urban Development Grant (UDG) forms part of the Department’s £17 million investment in Portrush to help regenerate the town in the run up to, and beyond, The 148th Open to be hosted in Portrush in July 2019.
To date, nearly £1 million of UDG funding has been allocated to three projects in the town:
- The Quays Bar on Eglinton Street, has been awarded £354,000 towards a £1.5m refurbishment and extension;
- £485,000 has been awarded to the apartment complex at 22 Dunluce Avenue; and
- £116,706 has been provided to transform the old Bank building in Main Street into an Aparthotel with a bar/cafe.
Other projects have also been approved, with contracts issued totalling almost £2 million but these are at an early stage. The Department is continuing to work with private developers to bring schemes forward with new announcements expected later in 2019.
UDG projects have a long lead-in time, therefore the majority of projects in Portrush will not be delivered in advance of The Open but will instead leave a lasting legacy for the town.
Paul McNaught from the Department for Communities said: “The Urban Development Grant scheme aims to reinvigorate town centres, encourage private sector investment and tackle dereliction. The Department’s investment to date has the potential to leverage £10 million of private funding as well as redeveloping dilapidated buildings and vacant sites. This is part of a wide ranging programme of initiatives that will transform Portrush in advance of The 148th Open’s return to Royal Portrush in 2019 and into the future.”
Other projects within the £17 million regeneration programme, such as the public realm scheme (which will deliver improvements to the streetscape), revitalise (which will deliver improvements to shop frontages) and the new train station, are on schedule to be delivered in advance of The 148th Open commencing on 14th July 2019.
Notes to editors:
- In December 2016, the Executive endorsed a £17 million Portrush Regeneration Programme. The Programme consists of a number of key projects, including a new train station, public realm work, a Revitalise scheme and an Urban Development Grant scheme
- The development at 22 Dunluce Avenue has been onsite for some time and it is well underway. The project with deliver a mixed use development of three commercial units, 13 apartments and basement parking
- The Quays Bar has recently received planning permission and expected to be onsite in Spring 2019. The project will deliver an extension to the bar and provide additional facilities and 22 guest rooms
- The old bank building at 60 Main Street will deliver a new Aparthotel with six serviced apartments and a bar/café
- Read more about the Portrush Regeneration Programme
- Media enquiries to the DfC Press Office on 028 9082 3505 or email Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press officer on 028 9037 8110.