Further public realm improvements for Downpatrick
Date published:
Irish Street in Downpatrick is to receive a significant upgrade following a £687,000 investment in the town’s public realm.

The Department for Communities is investing £543,000 with Newry, Mourne & Down District Council is also contributing £144,000 to make improvements to the street including new footways, lighting and streetscape furniture. Work will commence in January 2019.
This will bring the aesthetics within Irish Street up to the same standards as the major public realm scheme completed in 2012.
Director of the Department’s Regional Development Office, Damian Mulholland said: “This funding will build on the significant public realm investment already made by the Department in Downpatrick over recent years, enhancing the natural heritage of the area and help improve visitors and resident experience within Downpatrick Town Centre.”
Councillor Mark Murnin, the Chairperson of Newry, Mourne & Down District Council said: “On behalf of Council I am delighted that the Department for Communities has approved funding to implement this public realm scheme. Council will continue to work in partnership with the Department and with the Department for Infrastructure to deliver this much needed scheme and I look forward to the benefits that the project will bring to Irish Street in terms of regenerating this central part of Downpatrick and creating an environment which will encourage increased trading for traders. This part of Downpatrick has suffered significant decline over the years so it’s very welcome news that the area will benefit from this funding.”
The Department also continues to work with Newry, Mourne and Down District Council on the potential regeneration of the site of the former PSNI Station on Irish Street to realise the significant potential that this prime site offers. This is a complex piece of work and will take a number of months to complete.
Notes to editors:
- The Department for Infrastructure will lead on the planning and implementation of the scheme
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