Business sector has powerful role in tackling disadvantage - Givan

Date published: 03 June 2016

The business sector has a vital and positive role in partnership with the NI Executive to encourage aspiration for all and tackle disadvantage.

Minister Givan

That was the message from Communities Minister Paul Givan as he addressed the annual Business in the Community Awards at the Waterfront Hall in Belfast this evening.

The awards are organised by Business in the Community NI to recognise the efforts of firms across Northern Ireland to act on their social responsibility through practical action in local communities.

The Minister said: “These Awards celebrate the commitment of many businesses here to driving their economic growth in a sustainable and responsible way.  They are all working in many innovative and practical ways to address disadvantage in our society.  From investing time in volunteering with schools and communities, to helping improve employability and skills, they are each playing their part in helping create opportunities and build people’s confidence to fulfil their potential.  

“This ethos of social responsibility is one which I strongly support.  My department works closely with the voluntary and community sector, and over the past number of years we have supported a wide range of Business in the Community NI projects with funding of more than £500,000, including employee volunteering schemes and the establishment of a social economy incubation and innovation centre in Londonderry. 

“As Minister for Communities I am committed to working with all stakeholders to tackle disadvantage and deliver a positive future for all our people. The NI Executive’s draft Programme for Government emphasises the importance of partnership with business and other stakeholders to maximise delivery.   It is by working together that we can make Northern Ireland a better place to live, work and do business and build a future of opportunity for all.”

He concluded: “I congratulate all the winners and shortlisted nominees.  Tonight’s awards demonstrate what can be achieved through the business sector sharing its skills, time and resources for the benefit of all.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. Business in the Community’s Responsible Business Awards in Northern Ireland celebrate the powerful and positive role of business in society. The Awards are the most prestigious and respected corporate responsibility awards, set up to identify and celebrates businesses of all sizes who are tackling key social, workplace and environmental issues.  More info at
  2. Media enquiries to Department for Communities Press Office, tel: 028 9082 9215 or email  Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 07699 715 440 and your call will be returned.

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