Public appointments

The Minister for Communities is responsible for appointing individuals to the boards of many of the Department’s public bodies.

A public body is an organisation that delivers a public service, is not a government department and operates at arm’s length from Ministers.

Examples of such bodies with the Department for Communities include Libraries NI, the NI Housing Executive, Armagh Observatory and Planetarium, Historic Monuments Council and Ulster Supported Employment Ltd.

The Department is keen to encourage more people from different backgrounds, ages and communities to apply to become public appointees. It is committed to ensuring that appointments are based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process.

Current DfC vacancies

There are no current vacancies.

DfC public appointments 2024-25

Date of appointment Body Appointment details
1 June 2024 Charity Commission for Northern Ireland Appointment to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
1 May 2024 Charities Advisory Committee Appointments to the Charities Advisory Committee
1 April 2024 Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC) Reappointments to the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee

DfC public appointments 2023-24

Date of appointment Body Appointment details
5 March 2024 Historic Buildings Council (HBC) Reappointment of Chair and Members to the Historic Buildings Council
1 March 2024 Northern Ireland Museums Council (NIMC) Board Reappointments to the Northern Ireland Museums Council
1 March 2024 Charity Commission for NI Reappointment to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
1 March 2024 NI Housing Executive Appointments to the Board of the NI Housing Executive
1 January 2024 Libraries NI Appointment of Chair to the Board of Libraries NI
1 December 2023 Architecture & the Built Environment (MAG) Extension of Chair and Members to the Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment NI
1 December 2023 Architecture & the Built Environment (MAG) Appointments to the Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland
1 December 2023 Independent Review of Roles & Responsibilities of Councillor Appointment of Independent Chair of the review of the roles and responsibilities of councillors in Northern Ireland
1 November 2023 Libraries NI Appointments to the Board of Libraries NI
1 October 2023 National Museums NI Secretary of State announces appointment of a new Chair and Members to the Board of National Museums Northern Ireland
1 September 2023 Charity Commission for NI Appointment to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
1 September 2023 Charity Commission for NI Appointments to the Board of the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland
28 August 2023 Sport NI Sport NI Board Appointment
1 August 2023 Ulster Supported Employment Ltd Appointments to the Board of Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL)
1 July 2023 Libraries NI Reappointment of Libraries NI Board Members
1 July 2023 Historic Buildings Council Extension of Chair and Members to the Historic Buildings Council
1 May 2023 Ulster Supported Employment Ltd The re-appointment of two Members to the Board of Ulster Supported Employment Ltd (USEL)
1 May 2023 Libraries NI Reappointment of Libraries NI Board Members
1 March 2023 Libraries NI Appointments of Councillor Members to the Board of Libraries NI

Public appointments privacy notice

The public appointments privacy notice explains how DfC uses information about you and the ways in which we will safeguard your data.

Useful information

You can find out more information on becoming a public appointee, including any other current vacancies on the nidirect website:

To find out how appointments to public bodies are regulated, the Commissioner for Public Appointments Northern Ireland website contains more information:

The Executive Office issues a range of public appointment-related publications including a public appointments guide, official statistical data and the All Aboard news-sheet. The latest version can be found at:

Contact details

If you have any queries regarding public appointments or would like to register your interest in any upcoming vacancies please contact:

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