Consultation on the new housing supply strategy

Consultation opened on 08 December 2021. Closing date 09 February 2022.


The Department for Communities (DfC) has published a consultation on the draft Housing Supply Strategy and welcomes and encourages responses from all interested parties.

In line with the NICS Digital First principle, responses to this consultation should be made online through the Citizen Space survey which can be accessed through the green button below.


Consultation description

The Department would like to advise that responses will continue to be accepted in relation to the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) only, until 10 March 2022. Further details can be found at the end of this page.

The draft Housing Supply Strategy sets out a pathway and framework for action until 2037. This is the first step in a 15 year journey that will set a direction of travel to transform supply while recognising that the range of housing supply “whole system challenges” identified require “whole system solutions”. This approach recognises that housing is an integrated system, with what impacts on one sector often having a ripple effect across the whole housing market.

The draft Strategy now open for consultation, emphasises the central role of people, places and communities in considering and delivering on housing needs and demands. Collaborative working across central and local government and with the private and voluntary and community sectors, as well as the lived experiences of a range of users, have been used to help shape solutions to help ensure the Strategy will make a difference to the challenges facing the housing supply system.

Responses to the questions within this consultation will be analysed, along with any other sources of evidence and information to help finalise Housing Supply Strategy.

We are keen to hear from a wide range of bodies, groups and individuals from within the housing and related sectors as well as more generally across society.

The publication of this draft Strategy will also be supported by a series of focused engagement events held throughout the duration of the consultation period, including public workshop sessions. You may register for these open public sessions through Eventbrite.

It is intended that the final Strategy will be published in March 2022.

All consultation documents fully comply with Web Content Accessibility v2.1 and therefore should be accessible to all those that are online.  Please contact the team at if you require an alternative version to this consultation.

The Department for Communities (DfC) has published a consultation on the draft Housing Supply Strategy and welcomes and encourages responses from all interested parties.

In line with the NICS Digital First principle, responses to this consultation should be made online through the Citizen Space survey which can be accessed through the green button below.

Please note:

The Department would like to advise that responses will continue to be accepted in relation to the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) only, until 10 March 2022.

In particular we would welcome any comments to the following questions:

  • Do you agree with the findings of the EQIA?
  • Are there any other inequalities that have not been highlighted in the EQIA that you believe the EQIA needs to note?
  • Do you agree with the immediate next steps as outlined in Section 5 of the EQIA?

If you have any comments to these questions or any other aspect of the EQIA document please send them to

Please note that the consultation on the draft Housing Supply Strategy document is closed and no further comments can be accepted in relation to this.

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