The Electrical Safety Standards for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024
The Department for Communities is committed to making sure that properties let under a private tenancy are safe, secure places to live and raise families. Most landlords are pro-active when it comes to ensuring the safety of their tenants and make a welcome contribution to the housing market. But a minority fail to do so, putting their tenants in danger as a result.
The Regulations require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties checked (inspected and tested) by a qualified person at least every 5 years. The electrical installations must meet the required standards and landlords must provide a copy of the electrical safety report to their tenants, and to the Council if requested to do so.
This means that all landlords now must do what good landlords are already doing: making sure the electrical installations in their properties are safe.
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) continue to be covered under the HMO Licensing Scheme.
Important dates for compliance:
- the Regulations are operational from 1 April 2025, for all new private tenancies granted on or after this date.
- existing tenancies granted before 1 April 2025, have to 1 December 2025 to comply.
All private rented properties must have a certified electrical safety inspection of the hardwired electrical installation by whichever compliance date applies.
If the inspection identifies an electrical fault the landlord must take remedial corrective action to ensure the property is compliant with the Electrical Safety Standards Regulations.
[Please note: if a landlord gets an inspection competed in advance of the compliance dates, they should not wait until the actual operational date to repair any faults that arise or give their tenant a copy of the inspection report. They should instead carry out all required follow up actions in line with specified timeframes. The Section below on “What do these Regulations mean for landlords” gives further detail on all required actions/timeframes.]
The intent of the Regulations is that a landlord has ultimate responsibility to ensure the property is compliant, even when someone such as an agent, has been engaged to act on their behalf.
The policy intent of the Regulations is to avoid unnecessary fatalities and injuries occurring due to faults with any rental property’s hard-wired electrical installation. Legislating for 5-yearly certified electrical installation checks can substantially reduce the risk of death or serious injury, such as electric shock, burns or from fire.
The Regulations require landlords to ensure their rental properties meet the specified Electrical Safety Standard. Which means that:
- the electrical wiring, sockets, consumer units (fuse box) and other fixed electrical parts in a property let under a private tenancy must be inspected and tested every 5 years, or more often than this if the qualified person undertaking the inspection thinks that is necessary.
- throughout the time a tenant is living at the property, electrical safety standards must be met. In other words, the landlord has an ongoing duty to ensure that the property meets the electrical safety standard. If a landlord is notified of an electrical fault at any time within the 5-year interval for inspection the landlord must ensure that the fault is dealt with.
- the landlord must give the tenant a copy of the report detailing the condition of the property’s electrical installations. If requested the report must also be provided to the Council.
What do these regulations mean for landlords?
Landlords of properties let under private tenancies must:
- ensure national standards for electrical safety are met. These are set out in the 18th edition of the ‘Wiring Regulations’, which are published as British Standard 7671
- ensure the electrical installations in the properties are inspected and tested by a qualified person at intervals of at least every 5 years.
- obtain a report from the qualified person conducting the inspection and test which gives the results and sets a date for the next inspection and test.
- supply a copy of this report to the existing tenant within 28 days of the inspection and test.
- supply a copy of this report to a new tenant before they occupy the premises.
- supply a copy of this report to any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request for the report.
- supply the Council with a copy of this report within 7 days of receiving a written request for a copy.
- retain a copy of the report to give to the inspector and tester i.e. a qualified person, who will undertake the next inspection and test.
- where the report shows that further investigative or remedial work is necessary, complete this work within 28 days or any shorter period if specified as necessary in the report.
- supply written confirmation of the completion of the further investigative or remedial works from the electrician to the tenant (and the Council within 28 days of completion of the works if linked to previous Council intervention.
The landlord must contact the tenant in order to agree a suitable time and date for the electrical safety inspection to be completed. Additionally, if remedial work is identified from the inspection a suitable time and date must also be agreed with the tenant to have that work completed. A landlord should keep evidence to show they have taken all reasonable steps to gain access to the property e.g. all written correspondence and a record of telephone calls.
What do these regulations mean for tenants?
These Regulations mean that a tenant in a property let under a private tenancy should expect the property to meet the required electrical safety standards. A landlord, therefore, must have the electrical installation checked at least every 5 years by a properly qualified person. The electrical Installation must be safe, and a landlord must give a tenant proof of this.
Tenants should:
- check they have been provided with a copy of the latest electrical safety inspection report.
- report any electrical problems, or potential problems, which occur in between the 5-year inspection period to the landlord so that remedial action can be taken.
- contact your local Council if the landlord has not taken remedial action after you have reported a fault. Find your local council
- allow access to the property for the electrical safety inspection to be completed by the qualified person, and if necessary, allow further access for remedial work to be completed.
Points to note
A tenant:
- is not required to pay for or contribute towards the cost of the electrical safety inspection, any remedial or further investigative work required.
- has the right to contact the Council to seek intervention if it is evident that no action has been taken in respect of faults detailed on the last electrical safety inspection report, or no action has been taken in respect of a notified potential new problem.
- as a tenant you must allow access to the property for the electrical safety inspection to be completed. If you do not allow access, the landlord is not in breach of their duties, in relation to the Regulations. (A landlord should have evidence they have taken all reasonable steps to gain access to the property).
- can ask the qualified person completing the inspection for appropriate ID upon arrival.
- should note that the landlord is not responsible for the electrical safety of any appliances that belong to the tenant and have been brought into the rental property by the tenant. That is the tenant’s responsibility.
The inspection
How does a landlord find a “qualified person” to carry out the test?
The Regulations require landlords to have the electrical installations in their properties inspected and tested at an interval of at least every 5 years by a qualified person.
A qualified person is defined in the Regulations as “a person competent to undertake the inspection and testing required by Regulation 3(1) and any further investigative or remedial work in accordance with electrical safety standards.” Please note it is recommended, the qualified person should be registered with a recognised electrical trade body.
Guidance has been produced by the electrical safety industry that covers how landlords can choose a qualified and competent electrician and tester. This includes but is not limited to:
The electrical safety industry has established a competent person schemes membership of these will not be compulsory to ensure there is no further pressure placed on the industry, nor undue burden placed on inspectors and testers.
When commissions an inspection, to establish if a person is qualified and competent landlords can:
- check if the inspector is a member of a competent person scheme; or
- require the inspector to sign a checklist certifying their competence including their experience whether they have adequate insurance and hold a qualification covering the current version of the Wiring Regulations and the periodic inspection, testing and certification of electrical installations.
What standard should the electrical installation meet?
The standards that should be met are set out in the 18th edition of the Wiring Regulations.
The Regulations state that a landlord must ensure that electrical safety standards are met, and the investigative or remedial work is carried out if the report requires this.
The electrical installation should be safe for continued use. In practise, if the report does not require investigative or remedial work, the landlord will not be required to carry out any further work.
The landlord will need to liaise and agree with the tenant a suitable time and date for the electrical safety inspection to be completed. Additionally, if remedial work is identified from the inspection a suitable time and date must also be agreed with the tenant, to have that work completed. A landlord should keep evidence they have taken all reasonable steps to gain access to the property.
What will be inspected and tested?
The ‘fixed’ electrical parts of the property, like the wiring, the socket-outlets, the light fittings and the consumer unit (fuse box) will be inspected. This will include permanently connected equipment such as showers and extractor fans.
What will happen at the inspection?
The inspection will investigate if:
- any part of the electrical installation is overloaded.
- there are any potential electric shock risks and fire hazards.
- there is any defective electrical work.
- there is a lack of earthing or bonding – these are 2 ways of preventing electrical shocks that are built into electrical installations.
What about electrical appliances like cookers, fridges, televisions, etc.?
The Regulations do not cover the inspection of plug-in electrical appliances like cookers, fridges, televisions, only the fixed electrical installations.
- we recommend that landlords regularly carry out portable appliance testing (PAT) on any electrical appliances that they provide and then supply tenants with a record of any electrical inspections carried out as good practice.
- tenants are responsible to make sure that any of their own electrical appliances are safe.
- for further guidance please see PAT (Portable appliance testing) - HSE's.
- tenants and landlords may consider registering their own electrical appliance with a product registration scheme. They should keep alert to any product recall notices or safety alerts relating to the models of appliances installed within the property.
The report
Landlords must obtain a report (usually an Electrical Installation Condition Report EICR – (Please see Section “What type of report is needed, an EICR, EIC or NEIWC report”?) from the person conducting the inspection and test which explains its outcomes and any investigative or remedial work required.
Landlords must then supply a copy of this report to the tenant within 28 days of the inspection and test, to a new tenant before they occupy the premises, and to any prospective tenant within 28 days of receiving a request for the report.
If the Council asks for the report, landlords must supply a copy of it to the Council within 7 days of receiving the request.
If the report requires remedial work or further investigation, landlords must provide the tenant with a copy of written confirmation that the work has been carried out and provide a copy to the Council, withing 28 days of completing the work.
Landlords must keep a copy of the report to give the inspector and tester who will undertake the next inspection and test.
In the absence of a report and where the landlord is unable to provide evidence to confirm that the property meets the electrical safety standards, remedial action may be taken.
What will the report show?
The electrical installation should be safe for continued use. In practice, if the report does not require investigative or remedial work the landlord will not have to carry out any further work.
The inspection report will use the following classification codes to indicate where a landlord must undertake remedial work.
- Code 1 (C1): Danger present. Risk of injury. The electrical inspector may make any C1 hazards safe before leaving the property.
- Code 2 (C2): Potentially dangerous.
- Further Investigation (FI): Further investigation required without delay.
- Code 3 (C3): Improvement recommended. Further remedial work is not required for the report to be deemed satisfactory.
If codes C1 or C2 are identified on the report, then remedial will be required. The report will state the installation is unsatisfactory for continued use.
If the inspection identifies that further investigative work is required (FI), the landlord must also ensure this is carried out.
The C3 classification code does not indicate remedial work is required, but only that improvement is recommended. Landlords do not have to make the improvement, but it would improve the safety of the installation if they did.
What about new build properties or new electrical installations?
If a property is newly built or has been completely rewired, it should have an electrical installation Certificate know as an EIC.
Landlords must provide a copy of the EIC to tenants and, if requested, to the Council. The landlord will not be required to carry out further checks or provide a report for 5 years, after the EIC has been issued, as long as they have complied with their duties under the Regulations.
Remedial work
If the report shows that remedial work or further investigation is required, landlords must complete this work within 28 days or any shorter period if specified as necessary in the report. Landlords must then provide written confirmation that the work has been carried out to the tenant and to the Council within 28 days.
What if a landlord does not do the remedial work?
If landlord does not carry out the necessary works or fails to supply a report to confirm the property meets the electrical safety standards, a Council has strong legal powers to act. They can require the landlord to do safety works or even do the works themselves if necessary.
If the Council has reasonable grounds to believe that a landlord is in breach of one or more of the duties in the Regulations, they must serve a remedial notice on the landlord requiring remedial action.
Should a landlord fail to comply with the notice, the Council may arrange for remedial action to be taken. The Regulations require that the authorised person must give at least 48 hours’ notice to the tenant. They may be asked by the tenant and the landlord to produce evidence of their identity and a letter from the local housing authority confirming their authority to carry out the required works.
The Council can recover costs of taking this action from the landlord. The landlord has the right to appeal against a demand for costs.
Where a demand for the recovery of costs is payable by the landlord, the Council will enforce payment by placing a Statutory Charge over the property of the landlord. The Statutory Charge will remain a restriction on the property until the costs are paid.
What if a tenant won’t allow access to the property, or a landlord can’t find a qualified person to do the inspection?
A landlord is not in breach of their duty to comply with a remedial notice, if the landlord can show they have taken all reasonable steps to comply.
A landlord could show reasonable steps by keeping copies of all communications they have had with their tenants and with electricians as they tried to arrange the work, including any replies they received. Evidence could also include texts and call history. Landlords may also want to provide other evidence they have that the installation is in a good condition while they attempt to arrange works. This could include the servicing record and the pervious safety reports.
A landlord who has been prevented from accessing the premises will not be required to begin legal proceedings against their tenant in order to show that all reasonable steps have been taken to comply with their duties.
Urgent remedial action
If the report indicates that urgent remedial action is required, and the landlord has not carried this out withing the period specified in the report, the Council may with the consent of the tenant arrange to carry out the remedial work.
The Council must authorise a qualified person in writing to undertake the remedial action and give at least 48 hours’ notice to the tenant.
The cost for carrying out the remedial work can be recovered from the landlord. The landlord has the right to appeal against a demand for costs.
Where a demand for the recovery of costs is payable by the landlord, the Council will enforce payment by placing a Statutory Charge over the property of the landlord. The Statutory Charge will remain a restriction on the property until the costs are paid.
Can a landlord appeal against the Council serving a notice or taking remedial action?
Yes, landlords can appeal against the decision of the Council.
In the first instance, landlords have 21 days to make written representations to the Council against a remedial notice. The remedial notice is suspended until the Council consider representations. The Council must inform the landlord of their decision within 7 days.
Landlords also have a right of appeal to the County Court against:
- the decision to take remedial action by the Council. An appeal must be made within 28 days from the day on which a notice of remedial action is served.
- a demand for the recovery of costs made by the Council following remedial action.
- the decision to take urgent remedial action by the Council. An appeal must be made within 28 days from the day on which the urgent remedial action was started.
Councils can recover costs if they have to undertake remedial action and if that action goes into court a landlord has a right of appeal within the County Court and the decision of the judge will be final.
Frequently asked questions
If an inspection took place and a satisfactory report was issued before the 18th edition of the Wiring Regulations, came into force, but less than 5 years ago, will a landlord always need to have the property inspected again as soon as the Electrical Safety Regulations come into operation?
Regulation 3 requires that landlords have the electrical installation inspected and tested at intervals of no longer than every 5 years. Electrical safety standards (the 18th edition of the Wiring Regulations) must be met throughout the tenancy.
The 18th edition of the Wiring Regulations came into effect in 2019, so if a landlord already has a report for a property that was carried out after this date and has complied with all the other requirements of the Regulations, they won’t be required to have another inspection for 5 years (from the date of last inspection) provided the report does not state the next inspection should take place sooner.
Existing installations that have been installed in accordance with earlier editions of the Wiring Regulations may not comply with the 18th edition in every respect. This does not necessarily mean they are unsafe for continued use or require upgrading.
It is good practice for landlords with existing reports to check these reports and decide whether the electrical installation complies with the electrical safety standards. Landlords might also wish to contact the inspector who provided a report to ensure the installation complies with electrical safety standards. The onus is on the landlord to ensure their property is safe and meets the required standards.
Will all installations have to comply with the 18th edition, even if they were installed before this edition came into force.
The Regulations state that a landlord must ensure that electrical safety standards are met, and that investigative or remedial work is carried out if the report requires this.
The electrical installation should be safe for continued use. In practise, if the report does not require investigative or remedial work, the landlord will not be required to carry out any further work.
Reports can also recommend improvement, in addition to a requiring remedial work. If a report only recommends improvement but does not require any further investigation or remedial work to be carried out – indicated with a “C3” classification code – then while it would be good practise to carry out this work, it would not be required to comply with the Regulations.
What is the consequence of non-compliance?
A landlord who fails to comply with any of their duties under the regulations commits an offence. Where an authorised officer of a Council believes that an offence has been committed, they may take the landlord to court for non-compliance (for which the maximum penalty is a level 5 fine) or impose a fixed penalty notice.
What about new build properties or new installations?
If a property is newly built or has been completely rewired, it should have an Electrical Installation Certificate known as an EIC. See section “What type of report is needed, an EICR, EIC or MEIWC”? below.
Which tenancies do the new Regulations apply to?
The regulations apply to all private tenancies, including protected and statutory tenancies. However, Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) continue to be covered under the HMO Licensing Scheme.
What happens if an electrical fault occurs within the 5-year interval for inspection?
Throughout the time a tenant is living at the property, electrical safety standards must be met. In other words, the landlord has an ongoing duty to ensure that the property meets the electrical safety standard.
If a landlord is notified of an electrical fault at any time within the 5-year interval for inspection the landlord must ensure that the fault is dealt with.
Depending on the type of fault the electrical installation may need checked by a qualified person, and if necessary, remedial work undertaken (for example minor works, or a consumer unit replaced). If remedial work is needed then any report provided by the qualified person should be attached to the previous inspection report as detailed in Section “The Inspection” above, as evidence that the electrical safety standards have been met.
See section “What type of report is needed, an EICR, EIC or MEIWC report”?.
Will this make rent more expensive?
We estimate that the average costs per property are around £200 for a 5-yearly inspection, this cost should not be passed on to the tenant or any cost for remedial work.
For information on paying rent and when landlords can change the rent you pay, please see the following link for information. Private rent and tenancies
What type of report is needed, an EICR, EIC or MEIWC report?
Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
In the majority of cases the 5 yearly inspections will generate the completion of an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR). The EICR must be completed by a qualified person as defined within the Regulations.
The EICR must cover the following installations for the supply of electricity; electrical fittings, including –
- the consumer unit(s)
- switches
- socket-outlets
- light fittings,
- any visible wiring, and
- any areas where electrical equipment may be installed, (for example lofts with supplies to renewable energy sources), and
visual inspection of fixed electrical equipment, including –
- fixed electrical heating equipment e.g. storage or panel heaters,
- electric showers and over/under-sink water heaters
- boilers and other heat producing equipment, and
- hard-wired smoke and fire detectors.
The person carrying out the inspection must complete and clearly set out on the EICR –
- the date of the inspection
- the full address of the property inspected
- the name and address of the landlord or their agent
- the name and address of the person carrying out the inspection
- evidence that person completing the inspection report is a qualified electrician as defined at Section “The Inspection”
- a description of each installation, fixture and fitting inspected, and its location in the property, and
- any defect identified.
The landlord must replace or repair any electrical installations, fixtures, fittings, or equipment which fails to pass electrical safety inspection within 28 days or whatever date has been specified in the EICR.
The qualified person completing the EICR will use the following classifications codes to indicate where a landlord must undertake remedial work.
- Code 1 (C1): Danger present. Risk of injury. The qualified person may make any C1 hazards safe before leaving the property.
- Code 2 (C2): Potentially dangerous.
- Further Investigation (FI): Further investigation required without delay.
- Code 3 (C3): Improvement recommended. Further remedial work is not required for the report to be deemed satisfactory.
If the codes C1 or C2 are identified on the report, then remedial work will be required. The report will state the installation is unsatisfactory for continued use. If the qualified person identifies that further investigative work is required (FI), the landlord must also ensure this is carried out for the tenant’s safety.
The C3 classification code does not indicate remedial work is required, only that improvement is recommended. Landlords do not have to make the improvement, but it would improve the safety and may improve efficiency of the installation if they did.
An EICR will recommend any remedial action required to ensure that the electrical installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service, but any remedial work which is undertaken must be recorded separately on a Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate (MEIWC).
If remedial work includes replacement of a consumer unit an Electrical Installation Certificate (EIC) should be provided.
Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate (MEIWC)
The MEIWC is used for any remedial work identified on the EICR, as evidence that the faults have been fixed. It is used when there needs to be additions and alterations to an electrical installation that do not extend to the provision of a new circuit. Examples include the addition of socket-outlets or lighting points to an existing circuit, the relocation of a light switch etc.
If a replacement of a consumer unit is necessary an Electrical Installation certificate (EIC) is required.
Electrical installation Certificate (EIC)
An EIC is provided for new build properties and for properties that have been fully rewired. It may also be required for an alteration or addition to the electrical installation – like the installation of a new circuit and the replacement of the consumer unit.
After 5 years this will be replaced by an EICR.
A landlord who has an EIC for a property can provide this in place of an EICR to show compliance with the Regulations provided that the date of next inspection indicated on the certificate has not elapsed and the EIC covers the entire property such as for a new build or a complete rewire. An EIC for a replacement of a consumer unit is not sufficient and would require and EICR in addition.
Provision of EICR, MEIWC & EIC on request
A copy of all the relevant reports and certificates (EICR, MEIWC or EIC) must be provided to the tenant within 28 days from the electrical safety inspection.
Follow up paperwork to confirm that any remedial C1, C2 or FI faults have been actioned needs to be attached to the associated report within 28 days from the faults being rectified.
If a Council official requests a copy of any relevant report and certificate (EICR, MEIWC, or EIC), landlords must supply a copy within 7 days of receiving the request.
After an EICR has been completed with remedial actions noted (C1, C2 or FI) and the subsequently corrected. A new EICR is not required, providing the contractor can evidence that all the safety issues have been corrected and provides a statement of such (this can be on separate document or noted on any subsequent certificates).
What if a landlord already has a report?
If a landlord has had an inspection carried out before the Regulations come into force and they have complied with all relevant requirements, the next inspection and test will not be due until 5 years have passed from the date of the report, or less if the report specifies a shorter period.
Useful references
Electrical Safety First
The registered charity Electrical Safety First, have provided advice and guidance, useful for landlords and tenants to aid understanding of the electrical installation condition reporting process and classification codes applied to faults: Best Practice Guides
Trustmark Scheme
Backed by the government, ensures that traders who sign up are fully qualified to do electrical work and they also provide a complaints procedure: TrustMark - Government Endorsed Scheme For Work Done Around Your Home
Find your local Council
Please see link on Find your local council