Local Government & Housing Regulation
Functions of Local Government & Housing Regulation Division
- provide a legislative and policy framework to allow councils to guide local public services (including issuing Local Government circulars)
- perform Local Government consultations on new local government policy and legislation
- pay the Rates Support Grant and De-rating Grant to councils
- develop methods to improve the administration, finance and audit of Local Government
- oversee and liaise with councils
- oversee the Local Government Staff Commission (LGSC) and the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee (NILGOSC)
- liaise with the Chief Local Government Auditor
LGHRD has the responsibility to produce and update legislation for district councils. This is divided into Primary and Subordinate (Secondary) Legislation:
Primary Legislation provides a framework for:
- modernisation
- administration
- finance
- audit
Subordinate Legislation governs a number of council functions, such as:
- burial grounds
- crematoria
- exhumations
- entertainment licences
Consultations and Policy Development
Consultations are an essential part of policy development. They provide the necessary feedback on proposals for legislative change in local government. As well as having your say, public feedback makes local government’s policies more informed and effective.
Prompt payments
The Department requests District Council prompt payments performance. These figures are published on a quarterly basis. Information and guidance are available.
Code of conduct
The Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 introduces an ethical standards framework for Local Government. Section 53 of that Act permits the Department to introduce a Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct for Councillors.
The code applies to councillors of the current 11 new councils, it also applies to any non-elected person who is appointed to a council committee.
The Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 also provides for the investigation and adjudication of alleged breaches of the Code and this is the responsibility of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints. The act also provides for sanctions to be applied if a councillor is found to be in breach of the Code. These include-
- no further action to be taken
- censure
- partial suspension (eg. from a particular committee or for a particular time period)
- suspension
- disqualification
Any allegations of a breach of the Code must be sent in writing to the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints at –
The OmbudsmanFreepost BEL 1478
The Ombudsman33 Wellington Place
Local Government boundaries
In June 2012, the Northern Ireland Assembly approved the Local Government (Boundaries) Order (Northern Ireland) 2012.
This sets the boundaries of the 11 local government districts as well as the number, boundaries and names of the wards into which each district will be divided.
The online map allows you to see councils areas, wards and District Electoral Areas (DEAs) and the relevant councillors in each district.
Maps of council districts and wards are also available to view or download in PDF format
District rates
District rates as struck by each district council for the forthcoming 2020/21 financial year.
Local Government Pension Scheme
The Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) (LGPS (NI)) is a statutory public service pension scheme for employees of local government and other bodies, including the Education Authority, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Translink and Housing Associations.
Partnership Panel for Northern Ireland
The Partnership Panel (‘The Panel’), which is chaired by the DfC Minister, was established to provide a structured relationship between central and local government, to promote collaboration and synergies between Ministers and councillors; and to provide opportunities for joint policy formation to enhance the co-ordination and delivery of better outcomes for our society. The Panel is expected to meet three times a year and minutes will be published following each meeting.
Impact of local government reform on service delivery and cost effectiveness
Following an evaluation of the Local Government Reform Programme by DfC, a report examining the impact of local government reform on service delivery and cost effectiveness in Northern Ireland has been completed. The aim of this initial report is to provide an assessment of the impact of local government reform on service delivery and cost effectiveness on councils during the period 1 April 2015 - 31 March 2022.
More in this topic
- Local Government circulars
- Local Government Circulars 2024
- Local Government Circulars 2023
- Local Government Circulars 2022
- Local Government Circulars 2021
- Local Government Circulars 2020
- Local Government Circulars 2019
- Community Planning
- Contact your council
- Local Government Pension Scheme for Northern Ireland
- Revised policy guidance on exhumations