From time to time, the Department for Communities will issue information about its work and services to stakeholders who wish to be kept informed. In most cases, this would be by email updates.
You can subscribe for our updates via the links below. Your details will never be shared and will not be used for any other means.
DfC Updates
Register your interest for updates on the Department's work and services. You can indicate which of our business areas you have an interest in. These updates are targetted at those who work in other organisations that work closely with the Department and who may need to support their clients and customers on our work or services;
Historic Environment Updates
Keep up to date with DfC Historic Environment news, events and family days out, including the annual European Heritage Open Days.
Ministerial Advisory Group Architecture and the Built Environment for Northern Ireland (MAG) Updates
Subscribe to the quarterly MAG Newsletter to find out about the latest work of the group and the wide range of projects they are involved with.
PRONI Express
This monthly newsletter from the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland gives an insight to the upcoming events and seminars that are scheduled at or by PRONI.
Private Sector Landlord Newsletter
Sign up to the Private Sector Landlord Newsletter for useful updates, information and legislative changes that may affect you as a landlord.