The Social Security, Universal Credit And State Pension (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 - screening

Date published: 19 May 2023

Regulation 2 would amend regulation 29(5) of the Universal Credit Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 to correct an oversight in the re-drafting of the earlier amendment which left an unintended consequence, whereby a claimant who has been determined to have Limited Capability for Work (LCW) is, following a review Work Capability Assessment (WCA), determined to have Limited Capability for Work Related Activity (LCWRA). This means the claimant is entitled to the award of the LCWRA element. Applying regulation 29 as amended means that the claimant would have to serve the 3-month relevant period before the LCWRA element could be awarded, despite having previously been determined to have LCW, that 3-month period has already lapsed.

Exisiting/Revised/New: Revised
Date of Screening: 19/05/2023
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No

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