Promotion of Lawfulness – Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership – Strengthening Futures - screening

Date published: 20 August 2021

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership, to deliver a community based education and action citizen programme aimed at young adults who feel disconnected from their communities, that their voices are not being heard, who have been drawn into street disturbances, anti-social behaviour, drug and alcohol use and who have been or are in danger of being recruited by paramilitary organisations. It will be delivered as one of DfC’s Fresh Start in the Community projects which aim to promote lawfulness and active citizenship to individuals, and build capacity and relations within communities.



Exisiting/Revised/New: Existing 
Date of Screening: 20/08/2021
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No



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