New Decade New Approach Review of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

Date published: 18 September 2024

In June 2020, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to proceed with the New Decade New Approach (NDNA) commitment to review Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs) in Northern Ireland.


The first two independent reviews undertaken on behalf of the Department for Communities (DfC) related to the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) and the Commissioner for Older People (COPNI).

The aim of the reviews was to provide a robust challenge to, and assurance on, the continuing need for each of the bodies, as well as considering their form and function, efficiency, and effectiveness.

The Minister for Communities has tasked officials to work with both NICCY and COPNI as they develop DfC’s formal response to the Review Reports and to consider the recommendations within them, to inform advice to him and subsequent decisions on how or if each is to be progressed.”

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