The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Victims of Domestic Abuse and Victims of Modern Slavery) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 - screening

Date published: 02 February 2023

The local housing allowance (LHA) scheme was introduced in 2008 to calculate the maximum amount of housing support payable for claimants in the private rented sector. It applies to the majority of private rented sector tenants claiming Housing Benefit (HB) and all tenants claiming Universal Credit (UC) in that sector.

The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Victims of Domestic Abuse and Victims of Modern Slavery) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022 introduces 2 new exemptions from the SAR of the LHA for victims of domestic abuse and modern slavery. A claimant, of either HB or the housing cost element of UC, who would otherwise be subject to the shared accommodation rate but qualifies for either exemption can instead claim the higher, one-bedroom rate of housing support.

Exisiting/Revised/New: Revised
Date of Screening: 02/02/2023
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No

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