DfC sets out initial budget assessment
Date published:
The Department for Communities has set out its initial assessment of the impact of 2023-24 budget position as part of a wide-ranging engagement with its staff, Arm’s Length Bodies, delivery bodies and stakeholders.

The 2023-24 Budget settlement provides DfC with £861.6m Resource, £216.1m Capital and £25.6m Financial Transactions Capital (FTC).
This represents a Resource funding gap of £111.2m (15.5%) and a shortfall of £59m (27.3%) in capital required for 2023-24.
The budgetary challenge is compounded by Resource reductions of £290m (30.9%) over the last decade.
An initial analysis of the budget has been completed, with a number of options developed to address the Resource funding shortfall.
An Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) consultation will be launched shortly seeking views on the potential implications of the budget.
The Department is committed to an open and transparent decision-making process and the high-level proposals are to be shared with staff, trade unions, delivery partners and representative groups in a series of meetings.
The Department for Communities is the largest department in the Northern Ireland Civil Service. Its broad remit includes a range of areas, such as benefits delivery, social housing, the historic environment, community regeneration, sport and culture.
It has over 9,000 staff, and accounts for almost a third of the NICS workforce.
It supports the most disadvantaged people, families and communities across Northern Ireland. It does so against a backdrop of growing need.
Notes to editors:
- The EQIA is available here: Consultation on Department for Communities Budget 2023-24 allocations | Department for Communities (communities-ni.gov.uk)
- Media enquiries to DfC Press Office on email press.office@communities-ni.gov.uk
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