Construction to begin on Inner Walled City Public Realm project in Londonderry

Date published: 17 April 2024


Communities Minister Gordon Lyons has announced that construction is to commence on the Inner Walled City Public Realm Scheme in Londonderry.

Reappointments to the Board of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland

The works, which are due to start in summer 2024 and will last for approximately 18 months, will transform Bank Place, Union Hall Place, Magazine Street, Palace Street and Society Street, providing a fitting setting for the Historic City Walls.

The Department for Communities has recently appointed FP McCann as the contractor for the scheme, which will use high quality materials such as Caithness for footways and granite setts for the carriageways. The works will also upgrade street lighting and install high quality street furniture, and an artist is currently being procured to design artistic bollards to be used at two locations. Following a consultation process with local stakeholders, it has also been agreed to retain the 20-space car park at Society Street.

Welcoming the start of the works, Minister Lyons said,

“It is fantastic to see construction commence on this hugely important project for the city. My Department’s investment of over £5m for this significant Public Realm project, right in the heart of the city centre, will transform the appearance of the streetscapes next to the iconic City Walls. It will also encourage more visitors and tourists to the area, providing a welcome boost for the local economy.” 

Notes to editors: 

  1. Total Project costs are £5,183,521.04 including a contribution of £50,000 from DfI, with the balance of funding to be met by DfC.
  2. Media enquiries via email to DFC Press Office.
  3. Follow us on Twitter @CommunitiesNI
  4. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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