Codes of Practice for licensed premises and registered clubs
Date published:
The Department for Communities is inviting interested parties to submit a relevant code of practice relating to the display, supply, sale, promotion or consumption of alcoholic drinks for approval.
The Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021 amended the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996, adding a new provision to each Order, which allows the Department to approve relevant codes of practice which have been produced by a person or group on matters surrounding alcoholic drinks.
Relevant interested persons or groups could represent businesses involving the sale, supply, production, or wholesale dealing in alcoholic drinks, or they could be researching the effects of the consumption of alcoholic drinks on public health or public order.
A relevant code of practice will provide guidance to licence holders and registered club officials on best practice and the basic standards expected in the industry regarding the display, sale, supply and promotion of alcoholic drinks on their respective premises. Codes of practice are an important part of regulating the retail sale and supply of alcoholic drinks and in turn reducing alcohol related harms.
A spokesperson for the Department said:
“This is an opportunity for those with a relevant interest in matters surrounding alcoholic drinks, to shape the regulatory framework in a way that takes account of the real issues and that can easily adapt to emerging changes in society.”
Further information on codes of practice, things to consider when drafting a code and how to submit a code for approval is available on the Department’s Code of Practice webpage:
The Department will be accepting draft codes until 29 February 2024.
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