DfC approval must be sought before associations allocate accommodation under a local lettings policy.

Requirement for Local Lettings Policies

Most allocations for social housing accommodation will be made from the Housing Selection Scheme.  However, it is acknowledged that there are particular localised issues which will not fall under this Scheme.   For these situations a local lettings policy is required.

Approval for Local Lettings Policies

A local lettings policy requires the approval of the Department for Communities prior to any allocations being made under it.  Rule 84 “Authority of the Department/Board” of the Housing Selection Scheme states:

  •  “The Board of the Housing Executive may, after consultation with the Department, make allocations otherwise than in accordance with this Scheme.  (The Landlord may, with the prior approval of the Department, make allocations otherwise than in accordance with this Scheme).”

Associations must not make any allocations under a local lettings policy until the policy has received the approval of the Department. Please contact the Social Housing Policy team.

Content of a local lettings policy

A local lettings policy must be fair and reflect the diversity of the Association’s client groups.  It must clearly state the reasons why it is required and the criteria to be met by applicants.  

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