DCAL Sub-Regional Stadia Programme for Soccer

Consultation opened on 30 November 2015. Closing date 22 February 2016.


The purpose of this consultation exercise is to publicly seek views and feedback on how the sub regional stadia programme can best be taken forward.


Consultation description

In 2011, the Executive endorsed an investment of circa £36 million for the proposal that the remaining football stadia development at sub-regional level should be taken forward as a priority area of spend in the next comprehensive spending review period. At this time, The Executive agreed to:

“… meet the strategic needs of football including those as outlined in the Irish Football Association’s paper entitled “Strategic Facility Need”(March 2011).

The rationale for investment in the Sub Regional Stadia Programme arises from:

• The Executive’s Programme for Government (PfG), building specifically on the PfG commitment to develop sports stadia;

• Individual clubs and/or Sporting Bodies not having the financial resources to make the scale of investment needed;

• Achieving the positive externalities of increased participation in sport and physical recreation and improved sporting performances, through the provision of quality, accessible places for sport, as set out in Sports Matters; and

• A requirement to ensure compliance with safety legislation, and the need to address comfort and amenities of stadia.

Consultation events

There will be an opportunity to meet with officials at a series of consultation events taking place in the following locations:

  • Craigavon Civic Centre – 18 January, 2016 - 7pm
  • Ballymena showgrounds – 19 January 2016 - 7pm
  • Ulster Museums, Belfast – 21 January 2016 - 7pm
  • Omagh Leisure Centre – 26 January 2016 - 7pm
  • The Playhouse Theatre, Derry/Londonderry – 28 January 2016  - 7pm

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