Consultation on draft annual indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of the ‘Active Ageing Strategy 2016 - 2021’

Consultation opened on 22 February 2016. Closing date 17 April 2016.


This consultation is to assist in the development of annual indicators to monitor the progress of the ‘Active Ageing Strategy 2016 – 2021’. OFMDFM, in conjunction with advisory groups and other NI Executive departments, has developed an set of draft indicators.


Consultation description

The ‘Active Ageing Strategy 2016 - 2021’ was launched in early 2016. The strategy document contains a commitment to develop a set of population-based indicators under the outcomes contained in the strategy, to allow monitoring and evaluation to occur.

The Strategy contains six outcomes which were agreed following public consultation in spring 2014. During the development of the Strategy, work has been ongoing to develop annual indicators that will be used to measure if progress is being made against those six outcomes. We have drawn together a draft list of annual indicators and these are shown in Annex 1.

We wish to gather your views and suggestions on the draft annual indicators, any potential alternative indicators and any perceived gaps in coverage across the six outcomes (any data should be available annually, be reliable and relevant).

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