Consultation on Department for Communities Budget 2024-25 allocations

Consultation opened on 11 June 2024. Closing date 03 September 2024.


The Executive considered and set the NI Budget 2024-25 on 25 April 2024. This document details the Minister for Communities' initial Budget 2024-25 decisions and how they will impact on the Department’s ability to deliver public services.


Consultation description

The Department welcomes comment on any aspects of this document. Interested parties are encouraged to make responses or contact the Department with any queries. Responses on the consultation are due by 3 September 2024, which will used to inform the Department’s allocation of 2024-25 funds.

Comments on the Minster for Communities' initial Budget 2024-25 decisions can be submitted via online survey or by email. 

A summary of the EQIA in British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign language (ISL) is available in the two videos below;


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