This consultation sets out draft design proposals for potential public realm improvements along Albert St, from the junction with Divis St to the end of Albert St at the Westlink Backpath, incorporating St Peters Close, and along the full length of Cullingtree Road, Belfast. This consultation seeks to gather the views of all stakeholders, including community groups, local residents, local businesses, and members of the public, on the draft proposals.
A public consultation event will take place on Wednesday 25 October 2017 (10am-8pm) at the Maureen Sheehan Centre, Albert St, Belfast, Belfast. An exhibition display, information leaflets and feedback forms are available at the Maureen Sheehan Centre from Monday 9 October to 10 November 2017. The feedback received during this period will be considered in the final design and submitted with the planning application.
The implementation and delivery of the project will be subject to funding, economic appraisal and the availability of public resources.