Assembly Written Questions (AQWs) quarterly statistics

The Department commenced publication of its statistics on Assembly Written Questions (AQWs) on a quarterly basis, in January 2021.

Assembly Questions are tabled by MLAs and used as a tool to provide information and report on matters within the relevant Minister’s remit. The questions and answers are made available to the public via the NI Assembly website. This is simple data and does not reflect the context in which the answers are compiled, e.g. many AQWs are complex in nature and require input from Arm’s Length Bodies and partners across government. In those circumstances, it is not always possible to meet the required deadlines set by the Assembly to ensure that a full and accurate answer is provided.

April - June 2024

  All Written AQWs
Month Total On Time
April 215 102
May 231 138
June 145 99
Total 591 339

February - March 2024

  All Written AQWs
Month Total On Time
February 389 343
March 293 134
Total 682 477

January - March 2022

  All Written AQWs
Month Total On Time
January 203 66
February 238 66
March 149 29
Total 590 161

September - December 2021

  All Written AQWs
Month Total On Time
September 229 107
October 226 61
November 238 100
December 142 34
Total 835 302


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