Active Ageing Strategy 2016-22
The Executive’s Active Ageing Strategy has a vision of an age friendly region in which people, as they grow older, are valued and supported to live actively to their fullest potential; with their rights respected and their dignity protected.
The purpose of the Strategy is to transform attitudes to, and services for, older people. As this is an Executive Strategy, a range of departments contribute to its delivery.
Originally published in 2016, the Strategy has been refreshed with updates on the original actions and includes additional actions which contribute to the wellbeing of older people. The Executive agreed to extend the Strategy to May 2022. Evaluation of the Strategy and co-design of a new Strategy to take us beyond 2022 is currently ongoing.
You can download the Strategy via the link below:
Alternative formats of the Strategy can be made available on request and you should forward any such requests to the Active Ageing Strategy team.
Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland
The Department for Communities has sponsorship responsibility for the Commissioner for Older People. Our oversight duties include approval of corporate plans, annual business planning and budgets, monitoring the Commissioner’s expenditure and performance against business targets. We also advise the Commissioner on Government policies and procedures relating to Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) and other matters which may affect it. The Commissioner is appointed by The First and deputy First Minister.
For more information you can visit the Commissioner's website below: