Community Festivals Fund
The Community Festivals Fund was established by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure in 2006. Currently, the Fund is linked to the key priority of enabling the population to enhance their quality of life through participation and engagement in culture, arts and leisure activities. The Fund also provides an opportunity to contribute to the Department’s commitment to promote equality and tackle poverty and social exclusion.
In 2008/2009 the delivery of the Community Festivals Fund (CFF) transferred to the local Councils to allow decision making on the funding of festivals to be made at a local level and to enable the Councils to tailor the policy to best suit their local needs.
The Fund is a competitive scheme and applications are open to all festivals that can meet the core criteria and requirements. For further details regarding the application process please contact your local Council.The department carries out an evaluation of the Community Festivals Fund each year, based on reports provided by the Councils on their CFF activities.
These evaluations can be accessed from the following page:
Fund policy and guidance framework
The current Policy and Guidance Framework document came into effect in the 2016/17 financial year.