Any association which receives Housing Association Grant (HAG) or Disposals Proceeds Fund (DPF) for schemes must be properly branded and acknowledged according to DfC branding guidelines. This includes promotional material, signboards, events/press/social media and audit requirements.
Signage and Artwork requirements - The provision of signage is mandatory for all new build schemes. Where signage is being erected for schemes in receipt of funding provided by the NIHE from the DfC, Associations must comply with DfC’s signage requirements. Key elements are that:
- all signage strictly adheres to the design format obtainable from the DfC and
- all signage must be cleared by DfC
The wording on the signboard must include ‘With funding provided by the Department for Communities’, delivered through the Northern Ireland Executive. Branding signage should include logos for the Northern Ireland Executive, funded by DfC logo (see page 6 of DfC Branding Guidelines) and Northern Ireland Housing Executive and housing association logo alongside. All should be of a size appropriate to the physical size of the project. The display may also include a brief description of the scheme, for example, ‘30 sheltered flats for older persons’.
The Department for Communities branding is available in electronic format on request from the Communication and Engagement Unit by emailing to
Please send the Communications and Engagement Unit proofs of any pages or materials using DfC logos for our approval at
Please allow at least three working days for logo approval.
Associations producing signboards by sign writing or other recognised copying techniques must ensure that design grids are accurately followed. There must be no artistic licence.
Where an Association has exceptional reasons suggesting signage is not appropriate for a particular new build scheme, it should contact DfC in writing to request exemption from this requirement at
Signboard Display Requirements - Signboards must be displayed in a prominent position on each new build and/or rehabilitation development if appropriate.
Events/press/social media - The Department should be appropriately acknowledged in all schemes that have received Housing Association Grant (HAG).
The Department should be invited to all planned media events (including launches, sod cuttings, progress announcements and official openings). For these events, where the majority of funding is via HAG, the Department will lead on press releases with input from the respective Housing Association.
This should be discussed with DfC’s Press Office ( on a case by case basis who can advise.
Where the Housing Association is issuing a press release on a specific scheme, DfC funding should be acknowledged and the Department afforded the opportunity to provide a quote if applicable.
The Department’s twitter handle (@CommunitiesNI) should be used on all social media posts relating to new build developments in receipt of HAG and DPF.