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167 publications

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This Policy Framework sets out the Department's policy objectives for urban regeneration and community development in Northern Ireland for at least the next decade.

Published 01 July 2013Policy papers

Money Laundering can impact on certain areas of governmental business. As a result, the Department has chosen to adhere to the principles behind the money laundering legislation through the development of a departmental Money Laundering Policy.

Published 20 July 2015Policy papers

This Policy Statement details the responsibilities regarding the prevention of fraud, bribery or serious irregularity within the Department and non-departmental Public Bodies.

Published 04 July 2019Policy papers

Gambling in Northern Ireland is regulated under the Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (NI) Order 1985 (The 1985 Order).

Published 06 September 2021Legislation and regulations

The revisions policy utilised by the Department in the production of official statistics.

Published 10 June 2016Statistical reports

Final publication outlining the policy for Northern Ireland Museums including the value and impact of them.

Published 31 March 2011Policy papers

This document constitutes a joint Policy Statement between the Department and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) on the Regional Infrastructure Support Programme (RISP).

Published 25 October 2011Policy papers

The Intermediate Rent policy aims to achieve an increase in the supply of affordable homes for rent for lower-moderate income households.

Published 30 March 2023Policy papers

Sets out the guidelines to make cities, towns and neighbourhoods more inspiring and welcoming, through good architecture, landscape and urban planning.

Published 05 June 2006Policy papers

This is a policy framework to support Community Asset Transfer in Northern Ireland. Community Asset Transfer is a change in management and/or ownership of land or buildings, from public bodies to communities.

Published 16 May 2014Policy papers

The Instrument of Payment Fraud Sanctions Policy describes the Department's sanctions in cases where its customers commit fraud involving cheques. The range of disposals is similar to those applied in cases where there is a benefit offence.

Published 20 July 2015Policy papers

Department for Communities (DSD as was) was responsible for publishing and maintaining the Supporting People Guidance 2012.

Published 28 March 2023Development plan/framework

Independent reports to inform the fundamental review of social housing allocations policy in Northern Ireland.

Published 02 December 2013Independent reports

This document sets out the policy of the Department for Communities in relation to enforcement action taken when a suspected benefit fraud is brought to its attention.  This includes the imposition of penalties and, where appropriate, referral to the Public Prosecution Se

Published 23 June 2016Policy papers

The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure published a revised policy and guidance framework for the Community Festivals Fund.

Published 03 February 2016Policy papers

On 28 June 2010 the Departmnet of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) published for consultation a draft museums policy for Northern Ireland.  Notices were placed in a number of local newspapers encouraging people to respond.  This is a summary of those responses.

Published 30 June 2010Policy papers

Department for Communities Historic Environment Division (DfC HED) and Royal Mail have decided to agree a joint policy for the retention and conservation of post boxes which may be of special architectural or historic interest and merit listing.

Published 09 October 2020Guidance literature

The Supporting People Policy Framework (NI) 2023, is the updated departmental guidance for the Supporting People Programme.

Published 20 September 2023Guidance literature

The Department for Communities has produced a new affordable housing policy which aims to create an additional supply of homes, providing a new affordable 'Intermediate Rent' housing option.

Published 30 March 2023Guidance literature

The National Lottery Heritage Fund (formally the National Heritage Memorial Fund) was established under the provisions of the National Heritage Act 1980, and took on lottery distribution in 1994.

Published 09 November 2021Policy papers


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