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167 publications

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Historic Environment Division (HED) has a statutory role in development planning.

Published 03 July 2018Guidance literature

The Department for Communities (DfC) and the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) have collaboratively produced and published this thinkpiece.

Published 11 June 2018Independent reports

Following on from the consultation on Defined Benefit pension schemes: security and sustainability, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has published the White Paper Protecting Defined Benefit pension schemes.

Published 29 March 2018Impact assessments

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 09 March 2018Corporate reports

The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has published the Automatic Enrolment Review report Automatic Enrolment Review 2017: Maintaining the Momentum (see below).

Published 08 January 2018Independent reports

A significant amount of research is published outside of the Department on issues which may be of interest to policy makers, and this widely-dispersed information can be time consuming to collate.

Published 31 October 2017Statistical reports

This good practice guide aims to assist district councils achieve a consistent approach when considering serving an Urgent Works Notice on a listed building (or building in a Conservation Area(CA) where the Department of Infrastructure (DfI)  has issued a direction).

Published 05 June 2017Guidance literature

This good practice guide aims to assist councils achieve a consistent approach when identifying and protecting Historic Buildings of Local Importance.  

Published 05 June 2017Guidance literature

This good practice guide aims to assist councils achieve a consistent approach when considering serving a Building Preservation Notice on an unlisted building.

Published 05 June 2017Guidance literature

This Regulatory Impact Assessment sets out the policy objectives of the review of the automatic enrolment earnings trigger and qualifying earnings band for the 2017/18 year and the impact on, for example, individuals, employers and the pensions industry.

Published 21 March 2017Impact assessments

A composite evaluation framework has been developed to measure the impact of the implementation of Welfare Reform in NI.  Underpinning this are project specific evaluation strategies that have been developed in order to measure the impact of each project.  The impact

Published 10 January 2017Development plan/framework

This paper sets out the policy position of the Department for Communities, the Department of Health and the Department of Justice on the approach to strategic needs assessment within the Supporting People programme.  Its primary readership are the statutory partners invol

Published 10 January 2017Policy papers

A significant amount of research is published outside of the Department on issues which may be of interest to policy makers, and this widely-dispersed information can be time consuming to collate.

Published 09 January 2017Statistical reports

The outturn results for the 2015/16 Public Library Standards which form part of the Department's Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries policy.

Published 20 December 2016Development plan/framework

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 28 October 2016Corporate reports

This document sets out the policy of the Department for Communities in relation to enforcement action taken when a suspected benefit fraud is brought to its attention.  This includes the imposition of penalties and, where appropriate, referral to the Public Prosecution Se

Published 23 June 2016Policy papers

The revisions policy utilised by the Department in the production of official statistics.

Published 10 June 2016Statistical reports

The Executive’s Child Poverty Strategy, published in March 2016, sets out the vision to eradicate child poverty in the future.

Published 25 March 2016Policy papers

The outturn results for the 2014/15 Public Library Standards which form part of the Department's Delivering Tomorrow’s Libraries policy.

Published 18 March 2016Development plan/framework

The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure published a revised policy and guidance framework for the Community Festivals Fund.

Published 03 February 2016Policy papers

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