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167 publications

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The Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (the Licensing Order) regulates the retail sale of alcoholic drinks to the public by prescribing the kinds of premises which may be granted a liquor licence by the courts.

Published 11 March 2022Legislation and regulations

The aim of this policy is that the holder of a local producer’s licence must display, at all times, a notice detailing the conditions of the licence held at the point of sale of the alcoholic drink.

Published 11 March 2022Legislation and regulations

One of the basic conditions a person must meet to be eligible for Universal Credit (UC) is that they must not be “receiving education”. However, there are some exceptions to this and one is for disabled students.

Published 02 February 2022Legislation and regulations

The (budget) policy is trying to meet the challenge of the Department operating within their current spending limits while delivering services and meeting objectives.

Published 31 January 2022Legislation and regulations

The Minister for Communities commissioned a Review of Charity Regulation in NI, led by an Independent Panel, and which commenced on 25 January 2021.

Published 20 January 2022Independent reports

Statistics for PIP applications for the last three years including official policy and protocols

Published 18 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

Evidence collated by the Department for Communities indicates that an increase in affordable homes for rent is required within the Northern Ireland housing market.

Published 06 January 2022Policy papers

The Communities Minister gave a Direction for officials to put a process in place for staff working within the Supporting People and Homelessness sectors to receive an offer of a one-off £500 recognition payment, similar to that being made to medical and health care staf

Published 08 December 2021Legislation and regulations

Currently those with a terminal health condition where their life expectancy is 6 months or less can access fast tracked financial support in certain social security benefits- Attendance Allowance, Dusability Living Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Personal Indepen

Published 29 November 2021Legislation and regulations

The National Lottery Heritage Fund (formally the National Heritage Memorial Fund) was established under the provisions of the National Heritage Act 1980, and took on lottery distribution in 1994.

Published 09 November 2021Policy papers

This guidance for occupational pension scheme trustees and managers provides information on disclosure and administration regulations. This guidance is effective from 1 October 2021.

Published 04 November 2021Impact assessments

Evidence collated by the Department for Communities indicates that an increase in affordable homes for rent is required within the Northern Ireland Housing market.

Published 18 October 2021Legislation and regulations

It is necessary to bring in amendments to the Local Government Pension Scheme in NI (LGPS (NI)) to remedy the discrimination identified in the Goodwin Ruling and the Walker Judgment.  The draft Regulations also contain proposals for minor miscellaneous policy changes and

Published 08 October 2021Legislation and regulations

The amendments are necessary as a result of the sudden and unexpected nature of the situation in Afghanistan.

Published 24 September 2021Legislation and regulations

The policy is the new DfC Business Plan for the period October 2020 to March 2022.  The Business Plan is the vehicle through which the Department’s Strategy will be delivered and monitored.

Published 06 September 2021Business plans

Gambling in Northern Ireland is regulated under the Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (NI) Order 1985 (The 1985 Order).

Published 06 September 2021Legislation and regulations

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership, to deliver a community based education and action citizen programme aimed at young adults who feel disconnected from their commu

Published 20 August 2021Guidance literature

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Shantallow Community Residents Association (SCRA), to deliver a programme which aims to reduce antisocial behaviour, violence, crime and lawlessness associated with

Published 17 August 2021Development plan/framework

The aim of this policy change is to support economic recovery by ensuring self-employed claimants have the support they need to restart their businesses.

Published 21 July 2021Legislation and regulations

Under the 1950 Employment and Training Act, the Department for Communities (DfC) has a statutory obligation to assist employers to obtain suitable employees.

Published 08 July 2021Legislation and regulations

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