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167 publications

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The objective of the policy is to further (1) support indigenous language and indigenous cultural development and/or (2) support pathways to employment and training through our indigenous languages and associated cultures.

Published 05 October 2023Legislation and regulations

There is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working age people can get. This is called the Benefit Cap. The Benefit Cap can be applied through Housing Benefit (HB) and Universal Credit (UC).

Published 26 September 2023Legislation and regulations

The Supporting People Policy Framework (NI) 2023, is the updated departmental guidance for the Supporting People Programme.

Published 20 September 2023Guidance literature

This report provides an overview of the first stage in the Department’s work on the implementation of a Debt Respite Scheme for Northern Ireland. 

Published 22 August 2023Research and analysis

This Addendum seeks to extend the term of the AWS BC by 2 years (from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026) to ensure that the Scheme continues to deliver the original policy intent of helping those households in the private sector who are experiencing severe fuel poverty.

Published 16 August 2023Legislation and regulations

The introduction of this fund for Northern Ireland on 1 June 2022 was a commitment set out in the New Decade, New Approach deal, published in January 2020.

Published 09 August 2023Corporate reports

The policy is the new DfC Business Plan for the period 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024. The Business Plan is the vehicle through which the Department’s Strategy will be delivered and monitored.

Published 05 July 2023Business plans

The Economic and Social Research Review aims to capture and disseminate key economic and social research relevant to the Department’s policy agenda to inform evidence-based policy making.

Published 16 June 2023Statistical reports

The Department for Communities aims to develop a refreshed independent advice and debt policy and delivery framework.

Published 08 June 2023Guidance literature

Childcare costs have increased significantly in recent years and can form a real barrier to work for parents.

Published 07 June 2023Legislation and regulations

The proposed Statutory Rule make amendments to the requirements relating to the administration and governance of occupational pension schemes.

Published 28 April 2023Legislation and regulations

The Voluntary and Community Division (VCD) within the Department for Communities (DfC) is responsible for charity policy and legislation in Northern Ireland. This division is also the Sponsor Branch for the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (CCNI).

Published 19 April 2023Guidance literature

The Department for Communities has produced a new affordable housing policy which aims to create an additional supply of homes, providing a new affordable 'Intermediate Rent' housing option.

Published 30 March 2023Guidance literature

The Intermediate Rent policy aims to achieve an increase in the supply of affordable homes for rent for lower-moderate income households.

Published 30 March 2023Policy papers

There is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working age people can get. This is called the Benefit Cap. The Benefit Cap can be applied through Housing Benefit (HB) and Universal Credit (UC).

Published 29 March 2023Legislation and regulations

Department for Communities (DSD as was) was responsible for publishing and maintaining the Supporting People Guidance 2012.

Published 28 March 2023Development plan/framework

The policy aim is to support at least 50 currently inactive citizens with high levels of Irish who lack the basic qualifications and/or work experience to successfully take up the vacant posts in the Irish medium sector into employment.

Published 23 March 2023Policy papers

This policy aims to support Irish language organisations to provide high quality lessons by funding the production of ‘standardised’ course material for use in a ‘hybrid’ classroom.

Published 23 March 2023Legislation and regulations

Cases raised under the code of ethics policy

Published 13 March 2023FOI/EIR responses

This is a proposed short-term intervention to boost the levels of food stock available to those in the charitable sector assisting those struggling with access to food as a result of the Cost-of-Living crisis.

Published 03 March 2023Legislation and regulations

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