Experience of culture, arts and heritage by adults in Northern Ireland 2023/24

Date published: 26 September 2024

Statistics on engagement in culture, arts and heritage: findings from the 2023/24 Continuous Household Survey.

Note: Data collection for the 2023/24 CHS was carried out using a mix of telephone and face-to-face interviewing modes, a similar approach to that used in 2022/23.  For 2020/21 and 2021/22 data collection was by telephone interviewing due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. There was also a reduction in the number of questions between 2020/21-2022/23. As a result, the figures from 2020/21 onwards are not directly comparable to previous years due to the significant changes to the survey in terms of methodology and content.


The bulletin contains headline statistics on the following topics:

  • participation in arts activities and attendance at arts events
  • use of the public library service
  • visited a museum or science centre
  • visited PRONI
  • visited a place of historic interest

This Experience of culture, arts and heritage by adults in Northern Ireland 2023/24 publication is now available to view in html format.

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