Colleagues were shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of their colleague and friend, Ian Maye, who passed away suddenly on Saturday 5 August.

Ian Maye

Some of Ian’s colleagues have shared the following thoughts.

Leo O’Reilly, Permanent Secretary.

“Ian had been on leave last week following the death of his mother. Some of us were able to attend her funeral last Thursday where we heard Ian pay a warm tribute to his mother at the Service.  He seemed in good form, talking with us afterwards, and so it was a great shock to learn that he died just two days later.

“Ian was a close personal colleague to me for over a decade. Over that period, and for several years before that, he had experienced serious health problems which involved some prolonged periods in hospital, amputations to parts of both his lower limbs and other significant surgery. However, he never allowed these difficulties to get in the way of his good humour and his commitment to his work. After each and every episode of illness, he returned to work as quickly as he could – whether that meant at times working in a wheelchair or getting around on crutches. His personal resilience and energy were exceptional. He was a big part of my working life and I will miss him greatly, as I know will many of you.”

Eileen McCann, Personal Secretary.

“I worked for Ian as his Personal Secretary since 2009 and I can honestly say he was one of the best bosses I ever had and I bet everyone who worked for him felt the same way. Never scared to tell it like it is, Ian was honest and fair and his loyalty to the organisation and his staff was unquestionable. He was so dedicated, he even worked from his hospital bed to keep things going. He was always pleasant and kind and even treated us to the odd wee pastry or two to keep us sweet. He will be deeply missed. I saw a quote that to me sums him up“A good boss makes others realise they have more ability than they think they have so that they can consistently do better work than they thought they could."

Maggie Smith, Director Engaged Communities.

“It is difficult to think of Ian in the past tense. For me he was so full of life, and all about the future - his vision was daring and ambitious. Working with Ian was challenging, and always exciting.   Ian opened my eyes to new possibilities and provided great opportunities. Conversations with Ian were expansive and creative; his perspective was always fresh. In the space of an hour plans would be reappraised and new, more ambitious schemes devised for implementation. I appreciated the trust Ian put in me to get on with the job.  Equally I valued his willingness to engage and benefitted from his perceptive and sound advice. I am glad to have known Ian. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work with him.  I shall miss him.”

Patricia McAuley, Director in Engaged Communities.

“I will remember Ian for his kindness, good humour and support both personally and on work issues.  He had the ability to get to the crux of an issue and he provided insights that might otherwise be missed.  And let’s not forget ‘Star Wars’!  I will miss him greatly.”

Fergus Devitt, Director in Engaged Communities.

“The thought I have is that Ian sought to make life better for people, he was strategic and able very quickly to see possible linkages across the work of his Group that would benefit others.”

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