Introduction to Neighbourhood Renewal

‘People and Place - a strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal’ 2003 led to 36 deprived areas across Northern Ireland being chosen to receive support. Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships have been key to creating local plans to improve everyday life for people in those areas.

What is Neighbourhood Renewal?

In June 2003, Government launched Neighbourhood Renewal - People and Place.  Neighbourhoods in the most deprived 10% of wards across Northern Ireland were identified using the Noble Multiple Deprivation Measure.  Following extensive consultation, this resulted in a total of 36 areas, and a population of approximately 280,000 (one person in 6 in Northern Ireland), being targeted for intervention. The areas include:

  • 15 in Belfast
  • 6 in the North West (including four in the city of Derry/Londonderry)
  • 15 in further towns and cities across Northern Ireland

Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships

Neighbourhood Partnerships have been established in each Neighbourhood Renewal Area as a vehicle for local planning and implementation. Each Neighbourhood Partnership may include representatives of key political, statutory, voluntary, community and private sector stakeholders. Together, they have developed long term visions and action plans designed to improve the quality of life for those living in the area.

Many of the Neighbourhood Renewal Area Annual Reports 2019/20 include details of the organisations that are represented on each of the 36 Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships.  

If you have any queries about the Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships and their membership please contact the relevant office:

Resources for Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships

Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships need an evidence base to help them review their action plans. They also need to access documents which set out the key principles for the delivery of Neighbourhood Renewal.  This is to ensure the effective use of public funds.  These can all be found on the Resources for Neighbourhood Renewal Partnerships page.

Evaluation of Neighbourhood Renewal

In the Neighbourhood Renewal People and Place Strategy 2003, a commitment was given to carry out and publish an interim and final evaluation.  This Evaluation of Neighbourhood Renewal determined the extent to which the policy was meeting its objectives.  The delivery model, overall impact and the lessons learned from the Neighbourhood Renewal programme has been important - particularly for the Councils as they take forward their plans and policies for tackling deprivation through Community Planning.

Cost of living support for voluntary and community organisations

Minister Gordon Lyons has announced support for 287 Voluntary and Community organisations, funded through the Department’s Voluntary Community Division and Community Empowerment Division.

A list of the organisations who will avail of this funding is available.


If you have any queries please contact Neighbourhood Renewal Business Innovation Team.

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